PSA to men who ask us groomers if they can get a haircut too, please stop. It’s creepy


New member
12 years I’ve been a groomer and I’ve lost count how many times I’ve heard “cAn YoU cUT mY hAiR toO?”. And if you reply “sorry dogs only.” They come back with “wELL iM A dOg!” 🙄 It’s unoriginal and comes off as really creepy. I just got out of my mobile van to walk a client dog back to their apartment and was immediately bombarded with the above encounter. So please, even if you mean well, just don’t.

That is all, have a lovely day 🐶😊
@bonitadan There’s a grooming place next to a barber down the street. They have a sign out that says something along the lines of… stop in and get your man and dog groomed while you have a beer!
@sjb My partner was a hair stylist for ten years and now she’s a dog groomer. If they ask, she will cut their hair.

She gets those p’s.
@shayamno Wouldn’t ask a groomer to do it but I shave my head with the same clippers i groom my Aussie doodle with, so I’d let a groomer do it

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