Pretty sure my dog doesn’t like me

@igbokwe The growling at noises sounds like a fear response. I think there has been a lot of good advice in here, I wish you and your dog all the best. I am sure you will feel like family to one another before too long.
@igbokwe The growling here from a shelter animal was totally normally. I don't mess with my fosters food for at least a week. Longer if they're starved looking. They're used to scarcity. Offering treats to teach drop it was the right choice to make for training so good on you there!

Also FWIW I once took home a weimaraner for foster (very intelligent dog) and she was so stressed at the shelter she was the first dog I was legit worried might nip or bite me. She wouldn't eat, growled when I got close when getting something from the staff office she was in. (Sometimes staff will try to help dogs by getting them out of the kennels and letting them stay in their offices where it's quiet). I warned my husband that she was in the laundry room and not to open the kennel without me in case something happened. Well he went in and was very confused that this very sweet dog wagging her tail was to be considered scared enough to be dangerous. Turns out all she needed was 3 hours of chill time and a nice clean blanket. Moral of the story is give them time. Some dogs bounce back from the stress really fast some take time. Sometimes it takes the full 3 weeks to see a change. Sometimes it happens fast. All of them are good dogs. And their growling is them communicating with you not saying the don't respect you (that's nonsense).
@igbokwe Might be worth looking into Zak George's YouTube channel- he has some great videos on food aggression and how to help your dog see you as a friendly giver rather than a taker. Best to get a handle on it quickly!

Tiny treat training sessions throughout the day will speed up the bonding process like whoah. Nothing helps dogs gain confidence so quickly as feeling like they're good at something, and are doing the correct behaviour.

You got this
@igbokwe I am not a trainer, but have one suggestion. I would try making this a fun game as well. While your dog is still learning the rules, If you check things out and everything is okay, I would check it out, ask what is it, typically the dog goes quiet, I say thank you and give a reward. It's been wirking out pretty okay for me. It's slow going since I can't catch every single time they bark (like when I'm out of the house).
@sj74 I personally think it's really outdated thinking that a lot of people just repeat because they've heard it or read it somewhere before.

I know someone who is getting a dog soon, she's been doing some research online and she told me with absolute certainty, that she was going to make sure she always ate her dinner first, then fed her dog afterwards, to make sure the dog respects her and knows she is the "pack leader". Dogs 100% do not give a shit who eats first. when I come home from work I always sort out my dogs first, I'm not making them wait around, hungry, while I have a shower and cook my dinner etc.
@a2ai Alpha behavior training is going to be so difficult to overcome, it just keeps resurfacing “new experts”.

I always ate at the same time as my dog and he naturally got the concept that my food was mine and his was his, never begged for table scraps or would approach me if I had food. He also eats fine by himself if I can’t catch dinner at the same time, mealtime is a non-event other than he must go to his “spot” to eat.

Organically, he won’t stare if I’m eating and if he glances at me and I look back, he looks away ASAP and pointedly stares at something else. Never had to train that behavior.

We have a very respectful and loving bond and I never had to posture around my dog at any point in his life. I hope the person you know realizes her research has been debunked many times over already…
@a2ai Exactly! It’s like making your kids wait while you eat dinner so they’ll respect you more. I always thought being a good owner was to make sure all the pet’s needs were being met in a timely fashion—not in some weird archaic order.
@hundredworker To share another perspective, my dog and I bonded pretty quickly, but it took almost a year for him to fully become the dog he is now.

OP, try to remember that you and your dog have a relationship that's often pretty similar to a human relationship. It'll grow and change over time, and it's not set in stone. If you're having challenges, you can usually work on it and come to an understanding you both like.

At least for me, it was much easier to deal with the challenges (RIP headphones) when I thought of my dog like this, rather than the more "traditional" concept of a dog as a tool or commodity.
@hundredworker Yeah, took about 4-5 months to feel like my husky actually liked and cared about me! Now I can't get him to leave me alone. 🤣 As I type this, we're in bed, he's draped across my legs and snoring away. It just took a LOT of reinforcing basic training, setting boundaries, and a few sessions with a good personal trainer once several months passed so we could work out kinks in our training.
@smylie Sure! When I got my dog he was cool but I was just another 'thing' in his life. He would listen to me for treats and liked going on walks/ cuddling but he didnt really seem to prefer me over other humans and he would get easily distracted by other people/ toys/ noises or would go off and do his own thing around the house. Around 8 months we definitely became a 'pack.' He started preferring me to other humans, Would find me when he needed to be comforted, and would check in with me before running off to do something else.

We understood each other better around then too- my dog likes to sit on a chair that is too high for him to jump up on to look out the window. He learned how to tell me he wanted to get up on the chair. He also figured out ways to politely indicate that his water was low (one single bark) or that he wants a treat (he sits by the treat cabinet and looks up- this doesnt mean he gets a treat but he learned that just barking at me doesn't work)

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