Pregnant and wanting a puppy?

@lochie IMO no. You are expecting your first baby. To have both means you will not be able to devote your attention equally. A baby and/or puppy can be all consuming. You will find it very difficult to dedicate some time to both dog and baby for separate things.

We had 3 dogs when my first child was born. Crazy times lol. Our very last dog just passed away when my oldest is 6. He helped provide her comfort with hugs at around age 1.5 during fireworks on Halloween night. He loved grabbing the leash to help walk at that age. She was an absolute dream dog to our kids.
@lochie Definitely do not do it.
I have a toddler that’s a year and a half. I had the absolute best dog in the world and she passed away at the end of September. My husband made the rash decision of getting a puppy and although the puppy means well, it’s next to impossible having both.

Even at a year and a half, I’m up at least once with my daughter. I look after her at night, my husband looks after letting the dog out as she always has to go out between midnight and 5am.

We thought it would be cute to have the two grow up together. The puppy jumps all over my daughter and sees her as a walking toy. She’s constantly jumping on her, scratching her and biting her. Your baby will be on the ground. Do you want to have to worry about that 24/7? You’ll be taking care of baby, it would be on your husband to look after puppy. Are they prepared for that?

Not to mention there is a constant struggle between kid toys and dog toys. The puppy thinks everything belongs to her and goes after my daughter’s toys, clothing (she’s ruined her clothes jumping on her). Her favourite are the teethers lol I could go on and on.

Similarly to what everyone else is saying, having a baby is so much work lol adding a puppy into that mix is way too much at once. I’m not even pregnant with my second and I’m already worrier about how this dog will be with a baby. That’s even another gamble you’re taking with a puppy, you won’t know how they are with kids.

Am I happy we have this dog? Yes. Do I wish we would have waited years before getting this dog? Also yes. All of these challenges that we have now, we never had with my other dog.
@lochie I would wait until you’ve had your baby and have had time to grieve your other dog. This is coming from someone who got a malinois puppy when my first baby was only three months old! By that time, I was in a routine with my baby and my husband and I knew we were emotionally ready for the chaos lol. We already had a gsd/pit and a three month old mal needed a new home and so we decided to raise our son with a dog his age and by that time we were out of the newborn fog. They’re almost 4 years old now and best friends still
@lochie Nope! Don’t do it! Babies are all consuming needy potatoes. Puppies are all consuming destruction machines! There are not enough hours in the day to deal with both. Our puppy is 1.5 years and she is still a lot with a new baby. My husband and I both forgot how much work a puppy is after we lost our elderly dogs.
@lochie The last thing you want is to worry about keeping two life forms alive, but in different ways.

A puppy is going to be like a toddler with scissors. Just when you’re trying to do something with your baby, it’ll be shredding the sofa.

Kid needs to be changed or fed? Guarantee you that’s the moment you’ll hear frenzied snuffling and realise you’ve left some chocolate lying around.

Baby just got to sleep? 99% chance that the puppy is going to start barking for absolutely no goddamn reason.

Baby quiet? Puppy quiet? First thing you’ll wonder is whether the dog is doing something that it really shouldn’t be…

Finally managed to get everything under control? Time for a potty break, then zooming, then barking, then chewing.

It’s going to be hell trying to juggle both. Just one is a full time job! 😂
@lochie Don't do it, it wouldn't be fair to the puppy or your baby. Having gotten a puppy puppy a month ago, I can tell you it's like having a baby. If you think you can handle two babies at once, one who chews on everything, has accidents and wants your attention constantly, and your baby who will be pretty much the same except for the chewing at first lol, if hold off for awhile