Pregnant and wanting a puppy?

@lochie Is it your first baby? I adopted a puppy when my second was 4 months and some weeks were absolute hell. I only did it so early because I wanted the dog somewhat trained around the kids before baby started toddling and it worked we've made it through the worst baby is 2 next week and dog is 2 first week of Feb.
If baby is your first then DO NOT DO IT. It only worked with our second because we had a better idea of what we were doing and more relaxed
@lochie DO NOT DO IT!!! We’ve got a three year old working cocker spaniel and a nine month old baby, and it’s still a juggle. Apart from the exhaustion, all-consuming ness of a newborn, they’ll be a lot of stuff lying around such a toys, tethers, tiny socks, that a puppy will be allllll over. Even if you just wait for a few months, I promise you, you’ll be glad you have!
@lochie I have my dog because a friend thought she could do a puppy and a baby at the same time. Puppy was a Weimaraner, so all around bad choice. Spoiler: she couldn't. Now I have a delightful dog. She 200% consumed every moment of my time. Puppies are babies and need the same attention as a new born, though for different reasons. Do not do this. You're gonna drive yourself bonkers. Remember the time it takes to potty train, sleep train, obedience train and build habits. On top of all the new born care. Where's the time to sleep?
@lochie Wait, you know you need to wait. It's not fair to the puppy, that's assuming you could get one today.

Definitely contact breeders and start shopping, but any reputable breeder would also insist waiting.

You are forgetting how much work puppies are!
@lochie With all the love in the world for both shepherds and babies, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING?!?!?

Honestly, I found having a puppy almost as hard as having a baby, and I have three children. A newborn will suck up all your attention, I absolutely promise you there will not be enough for a puppy as well.

Give it a few years. Once child is toilet trained and semi-independent with playing, then think about a puppy. But puppy + baby = stress, mess, and neglect.
@lochie Out of your mind. You are grieving. I have a 2.5yo and a 6 month mostly potty trained puppy....

It has been hell on earth that I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The puppy has finally stopped barking all night. Every. Night. Since. September.
@lochie Don’t do it while pregnant. Don’t do it during newborn stage. Don’t do it the first year or two of the baby’s life. Why?

So much to fucking do. You will need all your wits about you when you have that baby. You will be exhausted like you have ever known.

It is not fair to you, your baby or the dog. Please wait.
@lochie I got pregnant when we got our puppy. She was 8 weeks old and it was total hell. The fatigue I was feeling on top of puppy blues was so overwhelming. Thankfully I’m through the worst of it now and feeling much better. I love her so much and wouldn’t change anything. BUT, i felt so guilty the first couple of weeks of having her. I felt like I wasn’t giving her the best possible life because I was so exhausted all the time. It was such a horrible time and I wouldn’t recommend it. Our puppy will be 9 months old the time our baby comes and she’ll be going through her teenager phase by then. I’m praying it’ll be easy but who knows.
@lochie We got a golden retriever puppy almost two years ago and I’m also 34 weeks pregnant. I could not IMAGINE having a puppy with a baby. I’ve told my husband maybe 50x I’m so glad we got her when we did because at this age she’s trained (still a work in progress) and listens way better/not AS hyper, etc.
@lochie Wait. Something a lot of people don’t talk about after you have a baby is that your hormones can make you HATE your dogs. I’ve always been a dog person and had 3 dogs when we had our son. I went through a period where I despised them, it was awful. I had no control of it. Eventually things come back and your hormones regulate, but I probably would have gotten rid of a puppy if I had one. There’s a reason why so many people rehome dogs after they have kids.
@lochie Right before I found out I was pregnant, I got a puppy. When my baby was born, my puppy was 1 and going through a rebellious teenage phase. I love her to death but if I knew I was going to get pregnant so soon, I probably would have waited until much later to bring a dog into the home.
@lochie That would be a very bad idea. You are going to be exhausted beyond comprehension with a newborn - I’m serious. When I had my son 10 years ago, ppl told me I’d be tired.

It hit me like a f*cking Mack truck. I slept 2 hours at a time for 18 months- sleep deprivation truly is torture.

It wouldnt be fair to your baby or to the puppy and it would not do anything for the transition to parenthood and the changes between you and your spouse that are inevitably going to happen and will create challenges (normal new parent stuff!!!)
@lochie For every one of my last 3 pregnancies or newborns, I have also purchased a gsd puppy. Call me crazy, but it works for us, lol. Know your limit, play within it.
@lochie I guess it is like 2 babies at once, except one can feed itself. I've been told I have a lot of patience, so there's that to consider. It was easier to manage the puppies I got when my babies were older rather than right newborn, having a 5 month old and a puppy and then a 2 year old and a puppy made it easier to manage house training 100%, compared to the puppy I got two months before I had my baby, he is super calm but the house training took longer due to my distraction.

I have two showline dogs and one working line dog. If I were to suggest any, I would suggest a showline dog for a young family, and not get a puppy now unless you're fairly early on in pregnancy, or until several months postpartum when you're more free to do things outside of the home and more active etc.

I do have the benefit of a solid partner who has always helped with kids and pets, so that is a big deal. I also thrive in chaos and have a large rural property with trails I can walk my dogs through. Basically, I have had the luxury of time, support, and space, things not everyone has and are important to consider.