I think my dog is pregnant and I don't know what to do. Plan B?

@whydontwe How are you bettering the breed? Are the parents and their parents all fully health tested? Do you show dogs? How are you trying to preserve the integrity of the breed? Is your contract fully created and you are ready to go after people legally for not upholding your contract, especially returning the dog for any reason at any point in their life?

If any of this does not apply to you, then you are a selfish backyard breeder. Thousands of dogs get euthanized a day due to people like you bringing in more poorly bred dogs.
@whydontwe You not sending the puppies directly to the shelter does not mean they won’t end up in a shelter. The good thing about ethical breeders is they don’t add to the shelter population. Ethical breeders vet the people buying their puppies and also are willing to take back in one of their puppies at any point in its life. Are you willing to do that?
@orchardllc yes I am, but preferably in a few years when we planned to let her breed and we are more stable. thats why im seeking info on other methods that dont involve a spay
@whydontwe Your concerns about finances and health are valid. Spay is not cheap but an emergency c-section is even more expensive and put the dog’s health at risk (considering the sire being a larger dog) + expense of looking after the pregnant dog and puppies. I assume you have a regular vet for vaccines etc.

Most vets are willing to talk to you on the phone or look up sone free resources on line. I read that Chewy has a free vet chat service for account holders. You can try to get some idea about the risk and think about what you can manage.

I’m not against you wanting to breed your dog at some point but if you are not at a place to be able to afford care for the mom and potentially for the puppies (there can be health issues with puppies too e.g. parvo is expensive to treat), they all may land in an overflowing shelter with a deadline to live.
@whydontwe You need to do a pregnancy spay then have your dog spayed. You also need to keep a safe area for your dog to not have to worry about dogs coming in. If you leave your female unfixed dog outside unattended things will happen. Also it sounds like you haven’t been consistently training your dog and I bet she wondered off.

Research the benefits of spaying and research how AKC breeders go through the process of breeding a their requirements. I’m not sure what breed you have but smaller breeds have a higher risk pregnancy especially if they are brachycephalic like French bull dogs. You would end up possibly having to pay for a c section plus any additional labor costs. Do not breed dogs if you are not a licensed AKC approved breeder. There is a very detailed and consistent process including health screenings. You can search for nearby AKC breeders in your area and see how they do things. All ethical breeders mandate that all buyers are required to have their dog fixed before or after sexual maturity. You are not following that nor what shelters do which is fixing dogs as well to prevent pregnancies.

If you cannot afford vet care then you ABSOLUTELY should have your dog spayed immediately. Really and truly if you cannot afford vet care most places would not give you a dog to begin with. This is honestly really annoying to see when this can be fixed with one appointment. There are low cost spay options as well through local shelters and organizations like ASPCA. She is a smaller breed too so it shouldn’t cost much. Sounds like you didn’t research and consider the requirements of owning a dog and you’re just wanting to have puppies and a small dog because it’s “cute”. Please research asap and spay your dog at your local ASPCA. This is adding to the stray population and backyard breeding practices. Dogs can get sexual diseases along with pests like fleas and ticks and other diseases including cancer if not fixed. Please listen to these comments.
@whydontwe Agreement or not that’s not wise to leave your unfixed and unleaded dog outside especially if there’s no fence. You can’t depend on people to control their dog so watch yours. You ignored everything else I had to say instead of listening to the useful information I provided.
@whydontwe "someone let the male dog out with her"

No friend, I say this with respect even though it angers me, YOU let your unspayed female dog outside knowing she can get pregnant and probably got mounted and hurt as a result. Owning pets is a lot of responsibility, it's your pet who suffers and specially if you don't have the money don't put her in situations where something bad can happen to her. If you think the male that paired with her is too big then there's trouble, those babies will get stuck and she'll need surgery, spay abort now because this already happened once, there's not enough care to make sure she remains unspayed and safe
@ladydeecee I understand what you mean but you don't know the whole situation, there was an agreement for our dog to be outside alone for a few hours as she's had to be inside non stop the past few weeks.
@whydontwe What's to know? A female in heat should absolutely never be unsupervised outside. And if you're worried about her having to be inside for too long, then walk her on leash.
@whydontwe I rescue cats mostly and I've had a few females wait for their spay because sometimes the bill was too high and I need to recover so I get it, but you can't trust others, them being unfixed is a huge huge deal that only leads to a ton of expenses and worry if you're not ready, and even then, they're so innocent and cute, they don't understand a pregnancy, they just go through it on instinct but that doesn't mean that it doesn't make them uncomfortable with their big bellies and that the birth process isn't painful.

You can't have that kind of desition on the hands of others, as the owner no one cares more for your pet than you, and they rely on you, you need to be there for them, and make sure they are okay, specially when it comes desitions that affect their health and you don't have money to correct it if things go bad. Even then, if that's the case and you can afford it, it's still cruel to make them go through something unnecessary for them, like, they can't decide, we can't just let them have things happen to them and let then deal with it physically and mentally.
@whydontwe Puppies will usually grow to the size the womb of the dog allows for. Now, if the male was a breed with known difficulties I'm birth (pugs, bulldogs, etc) you may have issues. If not try to do your best to research for puppies ans puppy care. Reach out to free/lower income clinics/vets if you can.

I wish you the best if luck with the dog!
@katehasbrouck thank you! do you have any knowledge about the medications that can be used as a plan b, I know there are some dog period medications that can be used for it. I will call the vet in the morning