Please I need advice about how my (m19) partner (f19) treats the dog


New member
So just for context, we got a Doberman x pup 9 months ago and she’s now almost turning 1, she is frustrated reactive outside and tries to play with any dog she sees but I’m working on it. She also suffers with Seperation anxiety but I’ve gotten her down to 10 minutes no noise while out of her crate. We’re having a baby in 2 months so I really wanted to work on all this as I love the pup she’s like my child, she’s so well behaved in most aspects and is a charm to be around and I want my daughter to grow up around such a lovely dog, I myself grew up with GSD and Great Danes and some of my best memories are with them.

Anyway our oldest cat Ziki(my partners) always attacks the pup, and a few months ago she had bared her teeth at him in response, so I’ve started training her to relax around cats etc but I am struggling with how to get her not to react to getting beat up by the little tiger. She has improved, sometimes she won’t even get up when they’re running around and I have seen major improvement and infact she hasn’t fought back with the cat since that incident and alongside that I’ve been keeping them seperated unless training to be around him.

So I go college 2 days a week, as I’m studying to hopefully go to uni if all goes well, now whenever I am at college problems arise nonstop, and the majority of them are to do with the ziki attacking the pup. Now as I’ve said she’s meant to be seperated when not supervised and if together they’re to be supervised. Today the cat has somehow attacked the dog 3 times and the third time it ended with the dog grabbing the cat by its neck and shaking her, to which my partner Beat the dog in response. And somehow she decided it was a good idea to take the dog into the bedroom after that incident (ziki practically lives in here it is his territory), what happened next was the cat attacked the dog again and the dog has pinned him, so she crated the dog and messaged me saying she can’t deal with it and that she doesn’t want the dog.

I did try to explain that the dog is reacting to the cat and that they were meant to be seperated if not properly supervised and she basically said “oh so it’s me as usual” and stuff like “the dog knows it’s wrong”. The dog is a puppy that is reacting it’s up to us to manage it right?

On the days I’m not there she’s not even meant walk the pup, just take her out the front and do training g like engagement; so when I return I can walk her and do all that stuff. I’m only gone 2 days a week and do most of the handling and it has been that way since, albeit she was walking her and stuff but that was before we found out we were expecting.

Anyway what I want to know is if this is how the pup is being treated,when I’m away to the point I have to leave college and coke home because she’s been crated and left, is it best to rehome her to someone who can properly look after her, or do I leave and take the dog on my own, im stuck because this is the mother of my child to be, over my dog?

AITA for considering leaving cause I love the pup and I can’t bare to be without her. I really need some advice, do I leave and take the pup, it would be hard to handle the dog on my own but especially with her Seperation anxiety and me being gone 8 hours twice a week but I’m willing to do anything at this point.
Or do I try to stick it out and figure this out with my partner, I want to be involved in my child’s life but I also want to keep my pup, but I know what matters is what’s best for the pup. Is it the better idea to rehome the pup and stay or to leave and work on the pup on my own where I know at least she’ll be okay

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