Picking up poop?


New member

I live in a city area and have two pups. This morning I was taking them on a walk along the lake front. My dog had diarrhea so she went about 4 times on our walk. At one point a lady rode by on her bike and yelled at me to pick up my poop. I said, “it was diarrhea?” because I was genuinely baffled as to what she wanted me to do. She yelled at me again and said, “pick. up. the. poop.” then rode away. When their poop is solid, I will pick it up. Its impossible when its straight liquid.

Is there something I should do when my dog is having diarrhea to help clean up? Was this just a lady having a bad day? I don’t want to be an irresponsible dog owner.

@ashe If I have a bottle of water with me I'll pour a little over it to kind of rinse it away but there's really only so much you can do.
@ashe Okay, this pooper scooper has been a godsend when I’m out and about and my dog has diarrhea. It scrapes it up and contains it really really well. You wrap the bag around the scoop and everything pretty much gets cleaned up. 10/10 highly recommend.
@ashe If it’s an area where other people and/or dogs are walking, the right thing to do is to figure out a way to clean it up.

It’s kind of uncool to just leave it sitting there for folks to step in or for dogs to encounter.

I usually go back with some water at least if I don’t have something with me I can use when it happens.
@ashe Just pick up as much as you can. There is so much poop on the streets, the least you can do is make an effort. You could try putting something on the puddle, what absorbs the liquid, to make picking it up easier. For example tissuepaper could work.
@ashe ...I think some of these people are delusional. Short of a sponge, you cannot possible soak up every drop of liquid poop. A bag is totally ineffective to pick up liquid. Physics does not really work that way. No one expects you to pick up dog pee somehow, so I don't understand how they expect you to pick up liquid poop.

Some of these suggestions...who carries paper towels, paper plates, sand, etc with them when they walk their dog? Are you supposed to carry a full backpack with you? Pull a wagon full of supplies? It's just not realistic. The best you can do if you know you're dog is having diarrhea is try to keep it away from private property and high traffic areas. If the dog is letting a stream of liquid loose in the grass it is going to soak into the ground anyway.
@ashe Also bring tissues or paper plates to pick it up. See if there's sand nearby so you can throw it over the poo and it will be easier to pick up. Rinse it off with a big bottle of water. Diarrhea is difficult to pick up, and although the lady should've mind her own business, she was right. Stepping in diarrhea is not fun at all. Pick up allllll the poop, even runny liquid poop. Good luck!