Neighbour accused me of not picking up dog poop and threatened to film me

@shepherdgirl “it’s okay to be misunderstood”
THIS!! some people are just willfully obtuse and looking for a fight. it’s not easy to accept, but you don’t necessarily want to be understood by everyone, you know?
@peacefan Uuuugh I hate these people. I'd tell him to go ahead and film me because he's never going to catch me leaving my dog's poop on the ground. To prove is was your dog, he would have to get your pup squatting AND you waking away from it..

In the future, pick it up and tell them your dog doesn't poop out cold turds, but steaming hot ones. Then wag it in his face and tell him to hold the bag and feel the temperature. He won't, but you'll be right and it will be funny.
@peacefan I have the same situation my dog was between 50 and 60 lb one of the neighborhood residents about two blocks from my home came over and rang my bell and said that when we walked by his house my dog did his number and his freshly cut lawn that's it I don't think so because I pick it up right after he goes man insisted it was from my dog so I went back to his house and looked at it and he said right there and pointed it out and I told him that big of a pile if it came out of my little dog I would eat it the pile was absolutely huge it would have come out of at least a hundred pound or more dog more like a Rottweiler or Great Dane but it definitely did not come out of my 60 lb dog at his heaviest some people just like to trip because they can't yell at anybody at home they're already ignored there so they come and trip on you they can you give a shit what they got to say at least have your facts straight I know I'm sorry punctuation and breathe
@peacefan Can you imagine your life being so lacking in excitement that you create it for yourself by following people around with their dogs and picking fights over dog turds?
@mrwallyboy78 There are condo communities where this has become such an issue among neighbors that all resident dogs are required to have their DNA on file.l If the pooping dispute gets out of control, a poop sample is collected and sent to the lab for identification.
@peacefan I don't pick other dogs poop, I'll dare him to film my dog pooping and me not picking up. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Had an idiot yelling at me once, as I was picking up my dog poop, "can you please tell your dog to not shat in the sidewalk in front of my house", I just pointed my 100lbs grumpy bulldog and replied to the guy "he's here, ask him ".

The guy was pissed off and I was laughing. 😅
@peacefan Omg dogs just sniff. I live in a major city and we can slow walk and my dog would take 30 minutes to do a block just sniffing away if I let him like he was Scooby Doo on patrol lol

Just ignore this jerk. Don’t even look his way.
@peacefan Once some guy sitting on his porch did that to me and my dog. I yelled back, ‘My dog did not poop and that is a tree root.’ Then I told him to come down and look. Of course he refused. I stared at him until he gave me a sulky sorry. 🤣 Coward!
@peacefan There's people like this in every neighbourhood. I had a younger couple in my neighbourhood in Calgary, ab who set up a security camera and actually went through it daily to write down how many times peoples dogs pooped. I know this cause we had a crazy HOA lady next door to them that would come out and yell at all the dog owners and tell them how many times their dogs pooped that month because they were in cahoots.
Everyone in the neighbourhood knew it and we all took our dogs where they were supposed to go, but these people wanted us to go well beyond the property, across the road and to a far away field that was several blocks away, which was ridiculous.
There's antidog people everywhere unfortunately.
@itln1628 Should coordinate the entire population of dog parents in your neighborhood to walk to the camera, have their pet do their business in front of the camera, pick it up and bag it, walk away and dispose of the bag properly; repeat ad nauseam.

Y’all could come up with some sort of story line you can all adhere to when the film producer objects:
“Oh! We thought you were making a movie about dogs pooping!”