Neighbour accused me of not picking up dog poop and threatened to film me

@peacefan I would have encouraged him to film me next time. "Do it" mentality when I know I have integrity.

What is he gonna record? You picking up your dogs poop when he poops? Or you not picking up your dogs poop when he doesn't poop?

Let him live his miserable life.
@peacefan Was this tree in a common area or the guy's yard? If his yard, shouldn't even be there. If a common area and it wasn't your dog's poop, I'd have told him to pick it up himself and he'd see it was old poop. If he kept badgering me, then It would be a F you and keep walking.

I do believe in civility, but if someone acusses me of something I didn't do and won't let it go, my civility has a limit.
@fmontanay2 This is underneath an apartment where there are some condos at the bottom with their own fenced front yard. The poop is in front of a bush outside of the fenced front yard. I don’t know whether he lives in the area tbh since this is the first time I’ve seen him. I also didn’t notice him until I turn back so can’t confirm whether he walked out of the building or not :/ He was holding a paper tho and it looks like there’s the property/building information on it, so wonder if he’s maybe interested to move in or maybe a contractor? There’s some renovations going on in one of the ground level condos so that’s just a guess.
@peacefan I walk a lot of dogs. When my dogs poop, they don’t sniff and check out their own poop, only other dogs’ poop. When you pick up another dog’s poop with your bagged hand, you can tell it’s not fresh because it’s not body temperature. Also, poop that’s been out for a bit becomes air and/or sun-dried and somewhat desiccated. Anyone who accused me of leaving poop that’s clearly been there for a bit would receive the above recitation and I would invite them to put their hand in the bag and find out how cool to the touch the poop is. I wouldn’t pick it up for them.
@peacefan Sounds harsh, but fighting with neighbours is never fun. I would avoid stopping at that property from now on to save any future headaches. No point I’m trying to interact with people like that, and if they are that quick to jump down your throat then I would just avoid them all together.
@peacefan I would just say what you have said to him and then tell him if you want to make good on your threat you better have 100% proof that it was me and my dog that didn’t do the neighborly thing and pick up after our dogs! Then I tell him feel free to make that complaint and if you don’t have the absolute proof that I’ve just spoke of beaver paired to have this backfire on you and I mean in a very big and nasty way legally I’ll pick it up this time even though my dog didn’t do that have a great day and remember what I said!
That’s how I handle nasty people like that that refused to listen!