[OC] My 2 Year Old Corgi passed away suddenly today


New member
2023 Halloween

Leeroy as a puppy

Leeroy and his brother, our 8 year old maltese, Winston.

To be honest, I'm still in a bit of shock about it. His back has been in a lot of pain these past few weeks, we assumed he tweaked it as he was usually very hyper and loved to jump everywhere, all the time. We took him to our usual vet, and they told us he pulled a muscle in his back and nothing was wrong with his spine or anything. Received some pain/inflammation medications.

Few more weeks go by, and it seemed like his back pain was just getting worse, and he stopped eating or wanting to move. So I immediately took him to our vet again, was told it is the same issue as before, and he would need a lot of crate rest. Received stronger pain/inflammation medications/muscle relaxers/ something for nerve pain too. This was on the 21st.

I boiled him some boneless unseasoned chicken breasts to get him to eat, and used cheese for his medications since he knew by now what those dog treat pill-pockets were and wouldn't eat them anymore.

This morning he seemed much more lively, walking around, ate all his food and gave lots of cuddles. At 2PM I took him for a short walk to do his business, and a bit later he lay down to sleep. The medications made him a bit tired and loopy, so I assumed he was just resting and left him alone while I was doing online school.

By 5pm my husband came home and my corgi was not breathing, unresponsive, and had no pulse. Rushed him to an emergency vet who confirmed he passed away and there was nothing they could do.

It was so sudden. And he was so young. I loved this guy so much. I should have checked on him after he lay down in the living room, but I simply was not expecting this. My husband and I are completely heartbroken, and I feel like it's my fault I should have gotten a second opinion on his back pain, I fear maybe it was something else this entire time.

Hug your furbabies & give them lots of love. :C

Edit: for typos, sorry, I'm a mess.

Edit 2: I felt he needed a little better pictures, even if I wasn't good at taking them.
@beleadnotastray I am so sorry. Your post echos the pain that emptiness and quiet has flooded your home with right now, and the sheer density of the guilt you’re carrying over this. The unexpected loss of a deeply loved friend is such a horrible thing to have to deal with.. If I may offer any advice, please try to give yourself time to forgive yourself, however long you need, and know that you did what a responsible and caring family member would have done. It was not your fault.

I know how awful it is to have your mind helplessly replay the scenario over and over in an attempt to reconcile this unfair reality with the now unrecognizable present. It will be difficult to break free, but it will slowly release you over time, and I hope you and your husband are able to heal. If you ever feel like it’s becoming too much, remember it’s okay to seek support from friends, family, or professionals who can help navigate through this grief.

My heart goes out to you.
@henryhiggins Thank you so much! I’m the husband… this is by far and large the most sensitive and sentimental response we could have received. It echoed on our heartstrings and really hit home. We appreciate your sympathy. It’s just so hard at the moment, but as a wise man once said “time is the medicine that heals all wounds.”
@beleadnotastray I’m truly glad it resonated with you; your post genuinely touched me.. I know the path of grief is uniquely personal and can feel incredibly isolating, but please know you’re not walking it alone. Many of us have been where you are, and we’ve made it through to the other side

I strongly believe in the power of time to heal, as you mentioned. We don’t forget, but rather we learn to carry the love and memories in a way that honors those we’ve lost. Stay strong, and allow yourselves to heal at your own pace. You’re doing everything right by supporting each other and remembering the love you shared. Thank you for letting me be a part of your healing process, even if just through words.
@beleadnotastray I think the only thing left you can hold onto is the fact that you've provided him a better life in those few years than what some dogs have in their whole existence. And he also passed peacefully, in the warmth of his home, knowing that you all loved him dearly.

I honestly kind of hope that the theory the books and movie A Dog's Purpose are based on is somewhat true and it's not the ending just yet.

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