Non-chicken based low fat dog food for pancreatitis


New member
Hi everyone,

Our toy poodle had an acute pancreatitis 6 months and she fully recovered.
However we are still on Royal Canin’s low fat (7.5% fat) kibbles. Now, we’re suspecting she has an allergy to chicken protein and she licks her front paws constantly.

We tried a couple of alternatives but all failed and resulted small blood clots in her stool. We’re desperately looking for a non chicken based low fat (
@sevilodorf They don’t have anything other than wet food unfortunately. Once we find alternatives, we always ask the vet before start using it.
@hmg Even if they don't carry anything else in-house, they should be able to make recommendations. My vet gave several options for us when my girl needed Rx food and not just foods they carried at the office.

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