New dog trainer interview - these are giant red flags, correct?


New member
I should run, right? I described my dog as needed some basic obedience training and that she is in no way dog/human aggressive:

1) She told me she is a devotee of Ceasar's methods.

2) She mentioned choke collars, and how useful they are to make corrections. I asked if that was still true for small dogs - mine is 9 lbs - because they told me at the Humane Soc. that I should never put a collar on her, due to potential for tracheal collapse. She said that won't be a problem, b/c we will only be using the choke collar for corrections; and besides, she has never heard of a dog's trachea collapsing from appropriate corrections. She told me I absolutely need to get one if I want to properly train her.

3) She told me she doesn't like to use treats or food reward for training, unless it's a very special circumstance. Don't reward her with food.

4) Told me that e-collars are sometimes necessary, and that they get a bad rep b/c can be gentle enough to use comfortably on your own hand.
@shogolist4jesus Dear God yes yes yes!

I made the terrible mistake of staying with a trainer similar to this and lost precious months of relationship building with my horsey. I hated that distance feeling between us. So run like the wind!
@cgibs27214 Agreed. Thanks!

I don't understand the obsession certain trainers seem to have with establishing themself at the top of the power relationship and the irrational fear that the animal won't respect them enough. IMHO it's almost neurotic.
@shogolist4jesus It floors me the amount of people that insist that their dogs should follow commands because "I told them to" and think that training with treats is wrong. I very rarely do things just because someone told me too, rather than because it's rewarding for me. Why should dogs be any different? So silly. Glad you spotted the red flags right away rather than wasting money and time on this individual.
@shogolist4jesus Others have already answered the basic question (yes, run the other way), so I'm just adding my two cents -

She has no idea what she's talking about, and more importantly, has no real idea of the "why" behind any results that she gets.

Any "trainer" who wants to administer leash corrections to a 9 pound dog with a choke chain is an asshole.

Lastly, any trainer that tells you that a $200-300 piece of equipment is "sometimes necessary" WILL try to sell you on that piece of equipment and the subsequent training.
@shogolist4jesus A good trainer will teach you methods that you will feel comfortable using to get your dog to do what you want them to do. There is nothing that you've said that sounds like this is the trainer for you.

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