Dog trainer recommending e-collar

@gamehhh We adopted our 3 y/o gsd a few weeks ago. Neither my partner or I had ever used an e collar before, but he came trained with one. Not exactly sure what they used it for before, but we have been using it for recall. We never use the shock function, but the vibration is plenty to get his attention when doing recall work. We also used a ground spike lead to work on his attention and focus with great results.

My advice (having trained 4 dogs from puppy age now): a vibration feedback collar worked great, but you need to do what feels best for you. A non shock collar worked very well for us, but if you’re not comfortable with it then go with high motivation treat training. For recall specifics, find a suitable way to get your dogs attention no matter what the distraction.

If you want collar recommendation, this is the one we have used with fantastic success:
@gamehhh Just keep in mind that GSD are very smart. They will catch on to the fact that its the collar doing the vibrating. It will help with recall when the collar is on the dog and the batteries are charged. You're not really training recall, just using the collar as an aid. If the collar isn't present, chances are the recall won't be there at that time either. My stinker could tell when the battery was getting low before I could and she would press the limits.
@gamehhh I use an electronic collar on my boy and have for a number of years. He knows when the collar goes on that it is time to work and pay attention. I have found it to be very helpful and my boy will look to have me put it on when we are getting ready to go out.
@gamehhh We use an ecollar on our GSD. Not only did it help train her with recall but it also helped to shape her behaviour around other dogs to learn not to be reactive and then later which play behaviours were not ok. We always put it on her when she’s off leash but rarely ever need to use it now. She gets super excited when we turn it on cuz she knows that means she gets to go out and do fun stuff.

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