Neutering - post surgery tips


New member
Hi all, we’re getting our guy neutered this coming Thursday (he’s 2.5 years old) and while I’m not super nervous about the actual surgery part, I am more nervous about the after care.

I realize my vet will give me general details like no physical activity for 10-14 days, take him out on a leash to pee, etc, but I’m worried about the specifics.

For example - when can he start climbing onto the couches again? Even if there isn’t a spot he’ll often times try to step up to lay on my husband or myself, so obviously we’ll have to be proactive in not allowing that, but for how long? Or is it okay because he’s a bigger dog and doesn’t have as far to stretch to get onto the couch?

I’ve got lots of mental toys/puzzles for him to tire him out that way since he can’t be physically active, and I’ve got a soft e-collar for him while he’s recovering.

I have anxiety and so I’d appreciate any tips/advice/aftercare you can give me while I help my boy recovery! Thank you!
@kitchenlady I replaced the vet's Cone of Shame with a smaller soft cone. It doesn't stick out as far as the vet's and the pup won't get hung up on furniture and doorways as easily but still can't get to stitches etc
@kitchenlady With boys the surgery is quite minimal invasive. The first night after he will be still under the influence of his narcotics so don't get spooked is he whines, your vet should have given him some quite strong painkillers. He is not in pain, he is hallucinating. I got some haunting vocals from my boy, did not even think about grabbing a recorder...

Next day he might have a hangover or back to climbing the walls - depends on your dog. Give him his painkillers as prescribed and keep him low energy. If needed by reducing the pain medication, feeling it will slow him down. Numbing it too much can make him move to vigorous (as young dogs do) and keep the wound from healing up of even reopen it. Supervision for the first few days is key, afterwards the cone does the job.

No jumping! Luckily my boy always steps up on furniture and never jumps unless exited. But any excitement is a no-no during recovery anyways...

Other than that just keep him from getting to the wound until the stitches are removed. Soft-Cones are so much better if you get one that doesn't come of easy.

Boys are simple - girls get the shit end of the stick on this one...