Neighbors’ dog attacked me

@rayofhislight You should be documenting everything (video, photos, sound recordings, including the bites you sustained) and keeping a log of events. Don't leave your house without your phone on video record.

Yes, send a letter to the management, according to the rules for official communication to management in your jurisdiction. For instance where I live, nothing is considered official communication with a landlord unless it is in writing and sent by either confirmed fax or registered mail or hand delivered.

You should also contact animal control where you live and report your bite. The police may notify animal control or they may not. Where I live I must contact animal control even if the police take a report. Give animal control a copy of the police report or the report ID#.

Every owner of a misbehaving dog says what you heard: 'S/He never did that before!" "S/He's always so gentle;" "I don't understand;" etc. It's just defensive posturing and means nothing when you're disinfecting your or your dog's bite wounds, or trying to protect yourself from an aggressive dog.

People are terrible with their dogs these days for a number of reasons, many not deliberate, just ignorant. The owners themselves are excessively anxious about other people and their dogs sense this. They don't train or socialize their pets; many don't walk their dogs ever. They live in small spaces, and their pets lack mental and physical activity. All this leads to anxious reactive dogs.

Irresponsible anxious misbehaving adults often act like children and avoid difficult situations, as you observe with your neighbors. One more reason to take this up with official sources, since the neighbors don't seem capable of handling this like adults.

Source: My mellow friendly old dog has been bitten twice in the past year - while on leash - by other (illegally) unleashed dogs (mis)handled by ignorant owners. Most recently a week ago. The dog's owner, new to our neighborhood from out of state, made the typical excuses, but talking to a few more neighbors, I learned this guy's dog has gone after at least 4 other dogs in the past 3 weeks.

My dog's injuries weren't severe and I decided to handle things between the two of us. I told him that I'd overlook this incident so long as my dog's bites didn't become infected, in which case I'd need to take him to the vet, and the vet would be required to report the bites. And so long as I never saw the dog unleashed ever again for any reason. I suspected the new neighbor hadn't had his dog registered/tagged here (yet), and explained to him that no local tags + bite history means 3 week quarantine at his expense. And I warned the neighbors.
@bobezeh I have pictures of the bite and I will send an email to the landlord I think. I mean it’s a pretty big community and we have it in our contract that all pets must be obedient and not cause any discomfort to people. Something like that. Even if they don’t do anything about the dog the next time someone happens they might be liable because they were notified. The police officer contacted animal control and I saw someone talk to our neighbors, it’s either the management office guy or animal control. It’s central NJ, I don’t think they take it lightly. I don’t hear this dog howling outside at all since yesterday and it’s either because of that collar or because it was taken somewhere. Honestly the people are just not capable of training and socializing the dog. I had a large breed before who mildly attacked me for a bone. Solved that problem in a week and my dog was never a threat to anyone later in life. This woman was afraid to restrain her puppy. She saw the puppy running off leash to me, barking at me, and she just went back inside idk for what. Maybe to tell her bf to help. If she grabbed her dog right then there wouldn’t be any bites this time. She lost about 20 seconds doing idk what in the apartment.
@rayofhislight She shouldn't have a dog. Period. Report this incident to the landlords immediately and document EVERY incident of the dog showing aggression - barking and howling, lunging, dragging it's owner, everything. She's putting you, your dog, and everyone else in the area at risk.
Thank you for all your comments, it took me some time to read all of them 😊 The woman was in total denial and that’s why her bf talked to the police officer. He understood why we reported the bite and he seemed tired of his gf’s unruly dog. I am trying to stay away from them. I open the door and listen. If I hear a low growl or howl I quickly shut my door. I don’t think it’s normal…. They have NO schedule and come out somehow at the same time as I do. I think her dog knows that my puppy is outside and asks to go out too. I’m not too afraid of that dog but I still have some fear when I open my door. I hide behind my car if I happen to get out when they go outside too. I have pepper spray and will carry it with me every time now. The woman seems to be stressed out all the time but her solution was to keep her dog away from everyone and now e-collar? I agree that it will make matters worse (hence low growl behind my door a couple days ago). Thank you for all your comments, I will speak with the management of our community and then it’s up to them what happens next.
@rayofhislight I think pet corrector might be a less intense option than pepper spray! It’s just basically compressed air that I would BET would get you enough time to get away from the dog. (About $11 on Amazon)
@shaulwalter The leash or the collar broke. But she couldn’t just grab her dog right away. That was strange to me. Idk what happened that she ran back into her apartment. Probably to close the door because they have another big dog. That one is her bf’s and seems more mellow. Idk if it would jump to attack me as well. Kinda scary to think what would have happened if both dogs attacked me. I think the second one is not aggressive but idk.

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