My yellow lab [4 1/2 y/o M] keeps jumping on everyone

@randks Yeah my dog (lab/rot mix) does really good for people he is used to seeing. There have been a few times I've caught my brother in law actually signaling and encouraging him to jump up on him. I have told him multiple times to stop that because he's getting too big to jump on people. he says it's ok because he can take it because he's a big guy. I spent way too long trying to explain that he is just undoing my training and how disrespectful that he is being but he is a hard headed asshole. Now recently my dog has been jumping on people. I have to actually hold him in a sit position until he calms down now. It absolutely fucking infuriates me. It has gotten to the point where I don't bring my dog to their house and If they come over I have to keep him locked away from him so he doesn't teach my dog bad habits (there are other things he does that infuriates me). I hate punishing my dog because humans don't know how to behave.
@ryanjameskirby It’s very very frustrating. Especially because one incident can undo so much training that you’ve worked hard to instil in your pup. Honestly sometimes it means just being more aggressive with those around you when it comes to your dog and telling them that you will not tolerate their behaviour because they’re actually being detrimental to your dog’s overall wellbeing. I’ve definitely done that before.
@jaetii I got fed up of waiting for him to settle, so we keep a bag of long lasting chews inside the door (pizzle sticks or a stuffed bone) and he gets an "on your bed" (which we taught when he was calm and as a separate thing) and a chew. Seems to calm him down enough he doesn't leap about, and now he'll just go sit on his bed.

My friend has a slightly brainier dog and she goes and fetches a toy to welcome the guest. Giving her a job stops her from jumping up.

Good luck!!
@jaetii We have had a few different methods, all work depending on the dog.
  1. When we’d go outside dog would run over to us and start jumping. I would tell dog to sit. She would sit (shaking because she was so excited) and then I’d reward her with a huge pat and lots of “good girls” after about 3 days she was fine. Now when we have people over, I get her to sit. She calms down a bit and then I get the new person to go over and pat her.
  2. My husband would put his knee out, by to hurt but just a block and we’d give a firm “no”.
This worked almost work straight away, and we would always reward with positive affirmation and pats.
@jaetii Our pup does the same thing. Our trainer says to make sure that everyone who walks through the door knows to ignore the pup - no eye contact, no high pitched voices, etc...until he calms down and is on all fours. Distraction with the smelliest treats might work as well. When you know someone is coming through the door, bribe your pup with “high-value” treats and have him sit and wait (if he knows those commands). Same goes when your on a walk - make sure to distract his focus from other people to focus on you and your treat rewards. Our trainer says the minute that someone gives him attention while jumping, all the training goes down the drain and you have to start over (I feel bad but I get really annoyed now when people run up and try to pet my pup. I’m like, nooooo it’s training puppy stop! Lol) - so be persistent and patient. Good luck with the pup!