Success- Yellow leash tags

@jessemini14 Omg I JUST bought “in training” and “Anxious, please respect my space” tags for our two dogs yesterday!!! They arrive by the end of tomorrow and I’m looking forward to using them!

We have an 11-year-old Alaskan husky rescue who’s always been super nervous around strangers, but is otherwise incredibly friendly.

Then we have been raising a malamute puppy who is 6-months now, and we are starting to really focus on the troublesome behaviors we want to discourage- like jumping on people, incessant alert barking, and being a little too overzealous vocally when strangers approach (it’s all excitement, she’s not aggressive, but the ‘awooos’ can sound alarming to people who don’t know her) She’s already the same size as the adult dog, and still growing- so the sooner we can establish respectable manners and communication, the better!
@jessemini14 I learned about these a long time ago when I had a dog where 95% of her days were bad. I was afraid someone would recognize it and pester her to set us up, then report it as I knew my dog was aggressive. I have little trust for most strangers. :(
@atkinsachael Haha of course we’re not doing walks in the 30 foot leash! And no, I’ll never use a flexi. The long leash is what we use when we’re alone or really far away from anyone. He gets to run and play or explore and sniff. I find that time on the long leash is very enriching for him and leaves him good and tired.

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