Success- Yellow leash tags

@jessemini14 I love those leashes. I got one for my mom that says "do not feed" cause her dog is allergic to everything. She doesn't use it a lot, but it's really helpful if they're ever at an outdoor gathering because you know the dog is gonna beg and people are gonna give in lol.

I ordered one for my late rat terrier that said "blind dog" but I never had a chance to use it. He got even more skittish than normal as he lost his sight and I wanted that warning in case someone startled him.
@jessemini14 I have been looking for something that ISN'T a harness with a training sign for my puppy (who hasn't started walks yet but is a reserved dog so I'm wary of how this will go). The "In training" leash tag is much closer to what I was looking for.

Thank you!
@kimrossie You're welcome! I felt similarly- I didn't want tags that say "Do not touch" or "Aggressive". I don't want people to completely avoid us all the time, or to be afraid of him. I just want them to be mindful and communicate with me. So far that's exactly what I've gotten!
@jessemini14 I'm so happy the yellow tags are working for you! I'm going to try it out. My dog looks cute and fluffy and loses her mind when people or dogs get too close. This might be a nice reminder...if she's not fearful of the yellow tag on the leash.
@jessemini14 I totally got a bright orange Hunting vest and hat. People get that. They are $3 for the combo at Walmart right now (off season). Ill probably sharpie some warnings on it too. The yellow bandanas didn’t do much, really.
@jessemini14 I’ve been considering getting one of these but wasn’t sure if it would make a difference. So glad to hear it has been successful for you! I think I’ll order one this week!
@jessemini14 I used to have “do not pet / in training” velcro strips on my reactive pup’s harness.

We went to dog parks bc he learned to play really well with other dogs. Unfortunately, humans would COMPLETELY disregard the velcro strip & would constantly attempt to pet him, causing him to bark/react. We literally had to stop going to dog parks because of adults acting like kids. It was so annoying to have to constantly “correct” people & be looking out for someone making the attempt.. Like, I know you can read..WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?

Makes me wonder if it’s the psychological thing where when people are told “DO NOT” do something, it makes them want to do it…
@jessemini14 Glad these are working for you and your pup! I’m looking forward to trying them with my little guy (frustrated greeter). We already use a vest that says he’s in training and needs space (and one that says to ignore him, because some people didn’t get the message with the first one), but those aren’t practical on hikes so hopefully these will fill the void!
@jessemini14 I was just debating getting these! We have so many off leash dogs rush us, I would think it would help, but I’ve been hesitant.

I’m also struggling because sometimes my girl really does want to say hi and play, but I’m afraid people will be scared of us.

Might just give it a try and see! It’s great to hear it helps.

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