My wife and I are getting a puppy this summer. Come, bring me your wisdom

@nayte All dogs are perpetual toddlers, to quote my vet!

Look into "clicker training ", get videos on YouTube and the books on Amazon. Easy, brilliant training they use for many species, dogs, cats, horses, dolphins, etc. Congratulations!!!
@nayte Train train train the first 5 months. Impulse control is important also. I didnt do enough impulse work. When they hit 6 months hold on to your pants. Get a trainer and use your crate more than ever until like 8 or 9 months. Pure demons!!!

Dogs are like children. They require lots of sleep. 18 to 20 hours of sleep a day. Walks should be about 10 to 15 minutes. Training sessions 5 minutes. If they get bitey and crazy you did to much with them. Time for a nap. Force naps are your friends. Use them to help your puppy be well mannered.

Chew toys and frozen kongs recipes from the internet helps teething and biting. You will need two. One for now and one for later. Dental chews are good right before naps.
@nayte I was gunna say a frenchie but they are more for sprinting, not long distance runs. they are small so don't take up too much room but they can be destructive if not given attention. ours chewed up the legs on our kitchen table because we didn't have a toy readily available and even the toys we have given him have been destroyed within 5 mins.

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