My reactive girl died yesterday


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She was out in the yard barking crazily at a wild animal outside of our fence. All of a sudden, she whimpered and fell over onto her side, eyes and mouth still open. That was the end for my dear, sweet, wild girl that I’ll miss with all my heart.
She was a runner and had significant leash reactivity since I adopted her from a neighbor 7 years ago. We had always been working on positive reinforcement training, but she’d bit another reactive dog several months ago so I’d been especially vigilant since the incident. Unfortunately her fear-based reactivity led her to be overly anxious at any other animal she saw, even if she was in our fenced yard. I tried the vet behaviorist route (unfortunately there was only one in my area, who did not think any medication was warranted and really didn’t help my dog at all). We had found a great trainer though, and I worked hard to set consistent rules with my girl.

Despite all the issues I’d have over the years with her, she was truly my best friend. She cuddled next to me in bed at night, sleeping like a baby. She laid in her bed next to my desk, suffering through endless Zoom meetings and phone conversations. She followed me everywhere and was always so excited to see me when I returned home. She loved it when the neighbors or other family came to visit and cuddled right up to people like she’d known them forever.
I never knew how hard this would be, or how much it could hurt. Right now I’m just grief stricken and in some way I feel like I failed her. Thanks for reading, if nothing else this was just a cathartic exercise for me.

EDIT: Thank you all for the outpouring of love and sympathy. Even though we are seemingly Reddit strangers, we share a common bond here with our reactive pets. From the bottom of my heart, I thank each one of you for your comments. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🐶
@cynthiak You didn't fail her at all, you loved her and advocated for her and gave her the best life you could. She knew love because of you. I'm so sorry for your loss, but know that she had love and joy in her life because of you.
@cynthiak I had a very non reactive dog drop dead suddenly. It sadly happens and it's incredibly hard to get over it vs. a death after illness. I'm so sorry for you. It can always happen sadly.
@tomismyname It is - my non reactive girl passed away on Christmas, very suddenly. I'd lost pets before, but always when they were very old and slowing down and/or had a longstanding illness. It's such a shock to have them there one minute and just gone the next.
@tomismyname My family had a dog pass suddenly from a hemangiosarcoma about 18 months ago. It was such an absolutely devastating experience. I've mourned many pets, but his death was just so hard.
@cynthiak When I lost my reactive dog, as much as he drove me insane during our time together, I still grieve him heavily every day. In many ways I feel these reactive dogs become our soul dogs because of all the work that the two of us did together. I miss my little Velcro dog every day. I’m so sorry for your pain and loss ❤️❤️
@prosedorothy Thank you ❤️

I think there’s some truth in that…you work so hard together that it seems as though it’s a different kind of bond with a reactive dog. I agree that while mine drove me crazy some days, I always tried to remember that she was only a product of her environment and flawed genes. I was fiercely protective of her for that reason.
@prosedorothy Fact. My first one was so dog aggressive with anyone but our other dog, she had been returned to the shelter once and confiscated from another adopter once for abuse. I worked with her for YEARS because she drove my wife crazy, and eventually got her to the point where she would sit stay and not break unless told to for anything. Made it so I could take her places and she became my ride or die. She was my soul mate I am sure. When she died I was devastated (she was old and had lots of health issues.)
@greatbuss I’m so sorry, it sounds like she found her person in you❤️ I know for me, when my boy finally started to learn how to dog my heart would swell. It took him 2 1/2 years to lay his head on me when we were sleeping in bed. Every time we would reach a mile stone accomplishment, it would make my heart so happy for him. The last year of his life it was like he exhausted and found peace in his environment. He also really loved my mom and dad and when I would go to their place he would have a way that he would run looking for them but he never did anywhere else. His ears would go outside ways and he would do this funny little side to side hop running from room to room looking for them. I took such joy every time I saw him become his true self, it was love and trust in its truest sense.
Thank you all so much for your condolences. I just needed to type it out to help me grieve. It’s never easy to lose a pet, but this dog was so special to me. Perhaps because we were both flawed and just trying to muddle through this crazy life together? We had a bond I’ll never forget. 💔
@cynthiak Could have been hemangiosarcoma. Depending on where the tumor grows, its a silent threat and swift end when they go. I’m so sorry for your loss.

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