My neighbors are trash humans and I need some vet advice, especially regarding ticks


New member
I live in the back house on a lot, the front house is rented out to a large family that is absolutely disgusting. Trash everywhere, it’s just gross. Anyways, they have an outdoor female husky that is not spayed, and I seriously doubt she has ever seen a vet. This is her second litter of puppies. There were 8, now six (I have no idea what happened to the other two). The dad was a German Shepherd that runs around the neighborhood.

After seeing them feed them nothing but leftover people food and spoiled milk, my wife and I started feeding them and giving them water daily because they obviously were not receiving proper care. The mother instantly warmed up to us, and she is the sweetest dog ever. The puppies are maybe 2 months old, I’m not sure when they were born exactly but they started coming out from under their house maybe 5 weeks ago.

Both the momma dog and the puppies have a pretty bad tick problem. I have no idea how many are on the mom, and the puppies have at least 3-4 ticks each if not more. I have tried to remove them with tweezers being careful to get the heads, but I think this is beyond my abilities to deal with by myself. I could spend all day picking them off and they’re just back the next day. The momma dog has like…clusters of them. It’s awful.

We do not plan on keeping any of them, as much as we would like to we are just not in the position to afford the necessary vet bills. Are they in any real danger, or is it just gross? What can I do to help them?
@sincitypreacher That is so so sad. Is there an animal control agency in your area that could rescue them? A gov't agency with authority to remove animals that are mistreated? I'm not an expert but my understanding is the main issue with ticks is that they carry illnesses that are spread to dogs (and other animals) when bitten.
@sincitypreacher Adults dogs should be on a regular tick and flea preventative if they live in a tick heavy areas.

Time to call your municipal public health agency (or whoever deals with Animal Control in your area, public health deals with animals/pets in my city).

Your neighbours are literally the backyard breeder puppy mills everyone hears about.
@sincitypreacher the ticks are definitely a problem depending on where you are. ticks spread disease, and obviously that's bad news for mama and puppies. are they seemingly underweight, are the puppies playing a lot and running around alot like they should? these dogs sound like they're being badly neglected, and you should report the owners. I'm not sure where you live but if you have some animal control or the like you can tip them off for a welfare check. puppies need vaccines and vet care. p