My groomer nipped my dog. Wants to go through her insurance and I’m annoyed and upset about it


New member
I’m a new dog owner and this the third time I’ve been to a groomer. Is going through insurance standard for these situations because someone told me that it is not.

I don’t think that I’m being a Karen or unreasonable. But if I am, please let me know.

Here is the conversation
@_h_ This is part of what groomers have insurance for. The groomer should have money back for this, but that's not always the case and that's when an insurance claim comes in. It is actually better for the both of you to do it this way. The groomer isn't refusing to take the cost, they're just going about it correctly. Relax and go with the business process. Getting upset and arguing is not going to get you your money any faster.
@nan13 Right. I guess I was so upset because I’ve had multiple friends that have been dog owners for years, all say that the groomer just paid them for the vet bill when this happened.

I didn’t know that this was the procedure. But I know now so I will just let insurance handle it.
@_h_ You're definitely being an asshole. The groomer already probably feels horrible and she offered to give you what she can NOW. And that wasn't good enough. Maybe she doesnt have $300 in her bank account.

If you got in a car accident, would you demand the other person pays out of pocket before your insurance companies handle it?

No. You wouldn't.
@mississippi_yaya Okay. What if I didn’t have $300 in my bank account either? This happened right around the first of the month. What if that was my rent money?

Please spare me. It goes both ways.
@_h_ If. You. Arent. Financially. Stable. You. Shouldn't. Have. A. Puppy.

Also. You're not my client or a customer. You're a random ass Karen on the internet so don't give me that "I dOnT uNdErStAnD yOuR aTtiTude"

@mississippi_yaya Here's a sneak peek of /r/TrueOffMyChest using the top posts of the year!

#1: As a grocery worker I’m so fucking tired of these “thank you” commercials. If you were actually thankful you’d pay me a god damn living wage fucking cunts.

#2: My wife doesn't know. But once or twice a month after she falls asleep, I order a medium pizza and 8 wings, and I eat them outside in the backyard, by myself, and throw away the evidence before I go back to bed.

#3: $600?!?

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@_h_ You are being a bit unreasonable. The groomer paid half. The owner is pretty much telling you that she’ll get you the other half once she talks to insurance. The reason it’s so infected is a scarf will not prevent a dog from licking. Your vet should have given you an e-collar. Excessive licking on the tiniest cut will cause infection.
Sorry you’re going through this but saying you’re going to take them to court is being a total Karen.
@_h_ *Nicked is a clipper or scissor injury. *Nipped is bitten by another animal. A vet is very clear on the difference. Did you see the injury when you picked up your dog? How long before you went to the vet? Was the injury shaved and photoed when you got it treated at the vet?
@josh0302 It looked more red than usual and he was licking at it. But he’s been little red in that area every time I’ve taken him. I didn’t think anything of it.

It wasn’t until he wouldn’t stop licking that I investigated further and saw the injury on his scrotum and his penis. I tied an old scarf around his neck because I don’t have a cone at home to stop him from licking. But he kept waking up out of his sleep whimpering and licking so I called the ER vet. They told me that my situation is not a medical emergency and I needed to go to the doctor.

There were no appointments for the next day so I used a chat to speak to a vet to ask them what I should do. They told me to clean it with dial soap but he yelped so loud that I just couldn’t do it. I thought it would make sense to buy a cone but At this point the pet stores are closed because it was at night.

The day after he went to the vet

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