My dog just scared off a burglar


New member
My heeler is generally friendly, if she wants to meet someone new she belly crawls towards them and is super submissive. She has her “fuck off” bark that comes out when another dog interrupts her agility course or tries to hop in the puppy pool with her at the dog park. Today I just experienced her “I’m going to fuck you up” bark.

I’ve had issues with the pack of feral cats my neighbor unleashed on the block and opened the backdoor thinking that was the situation. She chased something that sounded human sized into the swamp next door. The gate on my backyard was wide open so I’m 99% sure it was a human.

It’s not a behavior I’d like to see her regularly display but I’m just so fucking proud of how she did. I always assumed she’d just roll over and want tummy rubs. She’s the runt of the litter and only 30lbs so she’s not much to deal with but apparently enough to scare off the tweaker trying to hit my house tonight.
@debs88 She certainly slept better than I did. Was running on pure adrenaline afterwards and now I’ve got to refill my stock of whiskey lol. She was rewarded by getting to help hose down my dirty brewery and a steak from the kitchen.
@asdfkasdf Our dogs are kelpie mixes, I come here because i like cattle dogs. A few nights a week one or both the dogs will lose their shit at a random hour like 3am barking at the door. We always get up and tell them well done and sometimes I’m sure they just do it for praise. Whether it’s a cat or someone going to work though we encourage the attentive behaviour. We live in a country town (very close to where the breed originated) and you’re always your own first line of defence in a country town.

There was a period when every night for a fortnight or so Ben was barking at the front door at the same time in the morning. I ended up catching a fox at the cats food, that’s what he’d been barking at.
@lkremkoski I grew up in central NSW out past Bathhurst and have lived in NZ for past 25 years. Had a heeler x who passed recently. Very excitedly visited family in Muswellbrook back in Nov and got a pic of the statue of Heeler. Love it!
@cupofjoe1052 I lived in Bathurst for a couple of years as a kid, dad got moved in the bank a little kid. He worked for the bank. Super friendly town. I walked past one of those statues today walking the dogs in Muswellbrook though. There’s the big statue but there’s a coffee shop with a smaller statue out front too. There’s also an awesome light horseman statue too. For any randoms reading they were mounted infantry in WWI, they mounted a famous charge in the Middle East and apparently the riders couldn’t have stopped the horses if they wanted to. The horses were thirsty and when pointed towards the town of Beersheba the horses smelt the water and ignored the cannons and machine guns.

They weren’t cavalry, they were mounted infantry and only used horses to get to the battle. They were Calvary that day though, it’s one of the last successful Calvary style victories in modern warfare.
@asdfkasdf My first heeler pushed maybe 40 pounds, but if she didn’t like the person entering the house she looked just like a mean ugly wolf. The hair would go up on her back and her nose would wrinkle and then those pearly white sharp teeth came out. This all accompanied by a low menacing growl. It was terrifying. She was an absolutely beautiful dog until she got like that. So yeah our beloved breed can definitely 100% be threatening. That loyalty in them works hard and they’re definitely protective of their loved ones.
@asdfkasdf About 10 years ago a very unlucky burglar tried to squeeze himself through the doggy door, while I was napping on the living room sofa. My super friendly goofball of a cattle dog treated the burglar like a cow. He bit the nose and the heels. I woke up when I heard an unfamiliar voice screaming in my backyard. The burglar was trying to hop back over the brick wall, but my dog was yanking him back into the yard.

These dogs have an instinct that sometimes kicks in when you need it the most.
@asdfkasdf Good to hear! Mine was the runt of the litter and I would definitely consider her “submissive” as well. So, maybe there’s hope she wouldn’t chicken out.
@mrslisha Mine was the runt as is quite submissive, but has been an excellent intruder alarm all her life - she doesn't attack, but she makes sure I am aware of the intrusion.
@mrfuture Ya know what I will give her that. She definitely lets me know the second someone is within 30feet of my door lol.
I just wonder about what would happen if “Go Time” actually materialized. Tho I suspect she’d be far more in if it was one of my kids from what I’ve seen in the past. Which I’m cool with.
@asdfkasdf These dogs can be seriously terrifying if they feel their human is in danger. Ive seen my girl go from my sweet angel to evil death hound in a matter of moments when someone came up to me in a threatening way. Shes a very short dog whos a bit overweight and on a diet right now but even being short snd not looking scary if u just saw her in her friendly state she czn look and sound very scary when shes not happu with someone. I love the loyalty these sweet pups have! Tell your baby I said shes such a good good girl for protecting her family. Ive always been a big believer its our job as owners to protect them not the other way around so I dont encourage her to be mean or protective but theres been times ive been very thankful for her being the way she is.