Adopted dog of 3 weeks still scared of people. About to give up

@siskie no matter her age, and three weeks, she probably still isn't even being herself around you. you CAN train her, but first you need to create a bond and work on gaining her trust. when i got my dog (following the death of the best dog ever), i was really scared because we didn't seem to be bonding the way i thought we should. in reality, she was just too nervous to let down her guard. once she learned that i was a safe person, the bond developed so quickly.

also, if you want to adopt a dog, you have GOT to be patient.
@siskie honestly, it probably took close to six months. she had spent literally her entire life in a shelter, moved around and abandoned again and again - i had just lost the love of my (dog) life a few months prior. watts always loved people, she was great from the moment i brought her home (aside from the dog reactivity), but even still, i could see the "real" her still developing at 3-6 months. i already knew i wasn't going to return her, so i committed to her. and it worked. we are still learning about each other, 3 years later, but our bond is so, so solid, and i wouldn't give it up for the world.

your dog will have its own timeline. focus on bonding activities - positive play, awesome walks, lots of treats and snuggles. you guys will get there, the more you know about each other.
@siskie I was told dropping treats when she's around you. She'll want to be around you more. Also feeding her by hand yourself. Our puppy did this thing where whenever we called her over she would pee. This helped, also lots of play, however she is fetch obsessed...