My dog just scared off a burglar

@asdfkasdf Such a good girl. I’ve had four scary moments that my dogs have saved me from. The first three were all the same dog, my child hood dog that I got when I was 5 years old. Her name was Solar and she was also a cattle dog. When I was 7 some one tried to grab me off the street and put me in a car. She bit the man the moment he touch me and even took a few kicks cause she held on!! Then when I was about 12-14, I slept in the back room where the back door that lead into the back yard was. There was just a blanket put up over the sliding glass door. One night in the middle of the night I hear….I thought it was metal being ripped apart at the time…but I looked up in time to see a shadow moving away from the door, I yelled at my dad who looked out his window on the front side of the house and saw a man running with Solar on his heels. My dad ran out side and started running down the street in the direction he saw them going but before he even made it out of the yard, he said he saw her turn back on to our street bring herself back home. She chased me completely out of our neighborhood!!! Then when I was about 16 and had just learned to drive, I took her every with me. I would just leave her in the car with all the windows down and she would wait for me. I went into the mall to get coffee and cause I was still scared of parking I parked way off to the side where no one else really was, it was also about 8 at and the mall was about to close anyway. I get my coffee and walk about out to my car but noticed some older man was following me. Once I was more sure cause he was walking my way where there weren’t anymore cars, I “whistle”(sounds more like blowing over the opening of a bottle) and she jumped out and came trotting up to me. The man turn slightly so he was walking towards the other cars and not behind me. Then this one was from my recent cattle dog, Tomoe. He’s currently 6(maybe 7, we kind of lost track of time lol). I was sleeping, my husband works nights and get home a little after 6. It was a little after 5 and I heard my boy lose his mind. I didn’t think anything of it cause sometimes the wind catches the door and make all the dogs think he’s home early(it’s for sure a dads here bark). This bark was different, more angry and demanding but I didn’t care so I rolled over and ignored him. A hour later I’m woken up to my husband panic yelling my name. The front door was left wide open and Tomoe was sitting on the front porch. I got “in trouble” for not shutting and locking the door but then we found out that someone had broken in. They most likely had a key from when the house was still being sold(cause we were stupid and didn’t change the locks, they were changed immediately though). Our “neighbors”(its like a truck stop house) had cameras up that also face our house and you can’t see details but you see someone walking up to the door, standing there for a minute before they take off running towards the highway followed by a small black blur that was my good boy. It was hard to tell, but I’m pretty sure he was just in play mode. Wasn’t gonna hurt the person. Just excited for a new friend!! He runs along side of the road near the neighbors at the end on his way back and his body language just looks all lose and wiggly like he’s having the time of his life with his new friend!! Lol.

But yeah. I will never not own a heeler they’ve proven themselves to me as a whole breed to be the BEST dogs. Solar made it to 18. Incase anyone was questioning my ages compared to hers. She was only 5 years younger then me.
@asdfkasdf My 108lb male husky is the most chill dog in the world, loves strangers and belly rubs, never barks at anyone, talks in "woo" instead of barking, just an all around sweet dog. One day I was out in the backyard playing with all the pups and someone opened my garage door, my husky reacted so fast it was scary, he jumped through the window into the garage, snarling and barking his head off. That good boy stopped at the threshold of my garage and didn't chase the guy down, thank God - he was NOT injured at all, I checked him over thoroughly and then sent my husband to go get steaks for my hero puppy. Dogs do the most amazing things to protect their humans.
@asdfkasdf Good girl! Mine is super protective of the household so I know if someone was trying to get in she would absolutely lose her shit, wake me up, and scare them off. Little 30 pound badasses!
@asdfkasdf Glad to hear your dog was able to keep you safe! They can definitely sound scary when they want to! I think mine picked up on how nervous I feel sometimes living alone, she's very much in tune to who is outside of the house, and has quite the bark! Between her sounding like an angry werewolf, and her full mohawk of hairs raising to let people know she means business, I don't have any fear of anyone coming in my house unwanted lol.