it took me all day to do 3 dogs…


New member
but i’m still proud of myself.

i’ve been at this for a few months, so i know i should be faster. especially since the services weren’t even full grooms.

but i stuck with it. i did it. and i actually wasn’t filled with anxiety about it all.

it’s just been me in the shop today, so i’ve been able to do things more my way. i can use the happy hoodies. i don’t have to fully dry the dog with the HV with the condenser cone on. i can go slower with the dogs that need it.

most importantly, i don’t have someone breathing down my neck, berating me for not doing things exactly like THEY want me to do them… then saying they would never deny me water or breaks or yell at me.

i wish it was like this every day.

eta: i also actually got to keep tips for dogs i worked on!!!
@jaikyuveh Hun, I've been doing this for ten years and regularly have days that I only groom 3-4 dogs. Granted, it's usually doodles or poodles, but still. Don't let people tell you how to work, just put out good grooms, and you'll have happy returning customers.
@seeingbabylon that’s definitely my goal! i’m still in training right now, but i’m way more concerned with quality over quantity. i’m at a corporate rn but im just trying to learn what i can so i can go to a better salon or work for myself.
@jaikyuveh As I’m just a bather, perhaps there’s something I don’t understand. But if your people aren’t treating you well, or teaching you in a productive way, it would seem like they want you to fail, and I would either confront them, or talk to a superior
@bakertx yeah. i mostly can only do baths rn, but i’m not technically a bather. i’ve tried to bring it to the attention of my manager, but the groomer denies it. i’ve tried to handle it myself with the groomer, but she’ll yell over me. thankfully, my main learning comes from an actual program, and i supplement with tips and such from groomers on youtube and groomer forums. i’ve looked at other places but no one else is hiring right now.
@jaikyuveh trust me, you will get faster. My former manager was pushing me to go faster (one of the reasons why I transferred to another store by the way, I had a break down and I was scared to have an accident...) I was doing maybe 4 or 5 dogs a day. I am now at 7...

(if its toxic, go somewhere else, if its corporate, transfert)
@besorlah i’m already faster than i was! i’m just never good enough for her tbh lol

i literally have had breakdowns at work because of her and everyone has written it off as me just being too sensitive. i’m not sure if i can transfer (there’s only 1 other location around here and it JUST opened) but i changed my off days so i work with her less.
@jaikyuveh oh man, I'm so sorry to hear that. I've been with weird managers before, its not easy, mostly when you got no way out. Maybe they are actually looking for people now they opened another location... I'm sorry though
@besorlah it’s something i’m seriously considering. i’d be sad tho because i love most everyone else that works there, and there are some customers that i just ADORE.
@jaikyuveh Me and my wife started a grooming business, she is the groomer. Our take is the worst thing to do is to rush yourself. It takes a split second and you could mess up the pets coat or worse, cut the skin. It's in the best interest of the pet and the pet's owner for the groomer. Grooming isn't a race. Do one thing at a time, do it well and then move on. I have no idea if this helps you or not but suffice it to say, you are in the right, you should be proud of yourself.
@sloliver thank you guys so much! 😭 it’s really nice to hear from people that i actually should be proud. she’s been doing this for a few decades and she has some hot takes that i don’t agree with it. but i’ve only been training for a few months soooo everyone tends to make me feel like her word is gold.
@jaikyuveh First place I worked at out of grooming school I legit only had two grooms booked for the entire day. Turns out I needed the time to find my groove! Way better than having eight dogs on your schedule and not being able to juggle them all. Take your time
@jakefromsf i’m literally still in training. i’m doing paragon’s distance learning and just finished level 1. i usually do 4-5 dogs a day, but not entirely by myself. the groomer makes me bathe and dry her dogs.
@jaikyuveh Take your time love. Speed comes with time, find a routine that works for you and stick to it of course you will have to change it up for some dogs. But try and do things in the same order. At the end of the day all that matters is if your clients are happy and the dogs leave happy. Don’t be hard on yourself and remember we all started from the beginning once, some just forget that they were slow once also.
@sallysue This is the best advice! Setting a routine for myself helped speed up my grooming. My boss taught me that early on to try and do everything in the same order so it becomes second nature and you’re not stopping to think about it too much. I’m still not super fast or anything but I get my dogs done in the appropriate time slots now so that’s a win lol
@jaikyuveh It sounds like you don’t have the best team around you and I hate that for you! It’s so hard to work when someone is always watching and critiquing!

For what it’s worth (and of course find your own routine when you can!) my routine is nails before bath(incase I accidentally quick them) and that helps me gauge behavior too sometimes, bath/blow/brush, paw pads, sanitary, groom body, groom legs, do feet and tidy up legs, tail, and then head/ears. I kinda work from back to front essentially.

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