it took me all day to do 3 dogs…

@sallysue If I started with the face then I’d never finish any grooms on time😅 I always nit pick the faces and then by the time my next dog comes in I’m like fuck it it’s fine lol
Plus there’s times where the usual guard I’d use on the head that normally compliments the guard I used on the body looks weird on a dog so I can adjust the head length to fit the body better.
@sallysue yes!!! that’s what most people tell me— that the speed will come and i’m fine where i am. i’m definitely trying to find my own routine and techniques that work for me and stuff like that!
Also what I find worked for me is setting a timer to go off in the amount of time I wanted to finish the groom. And then see what I got done in that time. Or made sure I did every part of the dog in the amount of time and then went back over nit picked everything.
@jaikyuveh I’m not going to lie. I’m a groomer. At corporate I was doing 7-9 dogs a day in an 8-8.5 hour shift. I work an 8 hour shift now and can only do 4 dogs a day at a private shop. You’ll get faster and more confident. It also seems that the salon you’re in may be a little… off. You can’t usually keep your tips and they’re usually on your butt all day ? Maybe it’s the environment as well. Now I’m mom and pop shops longer services aren’t inherently a bad thing as we do more than corporate does. But how do you feel about the shop as a whole ?
@kate22 i’m at a corporate right now. they’re giving me my training, and it’s honestly not a super busy salon. so it SHOULD be much more chill lol. i’m already faster than i was!

i will say, it is DEFINITELY at least partially the environment. it’s only me and one groomer in the salon. most of the dogs have been booked under her name, so even though i bathe and dry them, she keeps the tips. (she tells me “i try to share when i can” which is stupid because she always can???) and she’ll even make me do hers when i have my own clients waiting.

i love most of our customers. i loved working saturday when i had the shop to myself and all my own customers. its literally JUST her.
@jaikyuveh Nah that’s insane. See if you can move. I worked with a groomer on Sundays, she’d take 9-10 dogs a day. I was a power bather so on top of my dogs, I’d bathe and dry hers. She would ALWAYS give me money to compensate even when I told her I didn’t need it and it was okay. She’d sneak it into my bag haha. If a bather bathed 1 of my dogs I’m ngl I didn’t have the money to be giving away. BUT if they did 2 bathing AND drying. I’d give them whatever I could or make up for it later in the week with coffee or something.
@kate22 i don’t have too many options, unfortunately. ive been keeping an eye out and all tho! yeah no she hasn’t shared tips with me in the longest. all i got on friday was the silent treatment 😂
@simon_peter the dogs are booked under her name. she just makes me bathe and dry them and then keeps the entire tip. if i do the entire dog, though, i keep the tip. she made me give her part of a tip from a customer the other day even though he had literally told me it was for me and put it in my hand

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