It happened! And bc of this group I was prepared

@pixeloriousspriteson Same thing happened to me. A gsd ran up to my equally big boy. I swear I almost saw a forcefield leave my hands and place a barrier around us. The dog ran up and turned around it was wild. Same thing zero anxiety my instincts just kicked in.
@pixeloriousspriteson Once when my dog was a puppy I was taking her out to potty and looked up to see an off leash dog staring at us. Not a hard stare, like he couldn’t decide what he wanted to do. I did the same thing as you, straddled my puppy and waited.

I think he felt my energy and didn’t want the trouble because he didn’t come at us.
@pixeloriousspriteson That’s amazing, way to go! And I agree with you about giving that dog owner some grace, because accidents can happen to even the most prepared owner. A dog accidentally getting out of the house is very different than being willfully careless/negligent when out in public with a dog.
@primjames Exactly! There were a handful of ppl in front of their house and they all were trying to get him back. If I left the door open to get the mail (which is RIGHT next to the door), and my dog saw something she wanted, she easily could do the same thing.
@pixeloriousspriteson Love this story, as this is my biggest fear, you give us all hope! I have never heard of the lifting UP on the others dog's collar before. I'm going to do a little research on that, sounds like a good tool to have in the arsenal. Congrats on the win, I know ho good the little ones feel, I can only imagine how good a big one like this feels!
@pixeloriousspriteson Ugh I’m so happy for you but I’m also super jealous! As prepared I would be if I were walking alone and a reactive dog came up to me- I can’t say the same for my super reactive chihuahua who does not like other dogs!

There was one instant where a beautiful and friendly (though sadly unleashed) pitbul came running to us and I just picked my dog and went into a fetal position holding my dog in and completely covering him. The owners came running screaming “he won’t bite! He just slipped out his leash he’s friendly” And I’m thinking.. even if that’s true, my dog is not friendly and I don’t know how your dog will defend itself!

Luckily all was good but I’m on the same boat of being super appreciative of this sub!
@pixeloriousspriteson That's awesome! I had the same kinda thing happen 2 days ago. I'm walking somewhere with my dog on a leash (as required) and as I come around a corner I see a giant dog off leash. Normally I don't worry too much as my dog will be fine if she is just left alone. But this dog comes charging at us and seems somewhat reactive as well. So my dog is losing her sh*t and I have nowhere to go. I just try to get my dog behind me and yell, as stern as possible, 'no' to the other dog! With the judging finger of course! It stopped in it's tracks and somewhat backed off. Ofc lucky that it worked; had all the other methods from this sub in my mind to do next. Sometimes I honestly really understand my dog's reactiveness... I would be reactive too in this situation!

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