It happened! And bc of this group I was prepared

We had an unleashed dog run up on us today. It ran out of its house. As I saw the dog approaching I went into full calm/adrenaline/survival mode, NO panic NO anxiety. I feel that my dog’s reaction was a complete reflection of what happened to me psychologically in that moment. She did NOTHING. No growling, no lunging, no barking (and she LOVES to bark). Her hackles were up and that’s it.

I heard it’s owners yelling before I saw the dog running and once I saw him, b-lining right towards us, I honestly thought of all the content I’ve been reading here and scrolling past on Tiktok and IG (all my algorithms are all dogs) 😂 and thought, “ok here it is, now is when it happens to us.”

I thought of something I saw about lifting UP on the other dog’s collar if it’s attacking. So I stood there standing straddled over my dog (I think, anyway, it’s a bit of a blur), calmly but also fully ready, waiting for the dog to get to us so I could grab it’s collar. I didn’t scream, I didn’t try and move, we just stood there totally still and ready. I’m so grateful my instinct kicked in and seemed to keep my super reactive dog super calm. The owners yelled “he won’t bite!” and in my head I thought, “yeah well she might!”

I don’t fully even know what happened when he got to us. I think I grabbed his collar, I maybe grabbed her collar too. They sniffed each other and circled around me, and then the owners got to him.

They were mortified and apologetic and I was kind and forgiving, which also felt good. I certainly have no room to be impatient with someone else’s dog doing something the owners don’t want it to do. And I’m not optimistic she’d recall after zeroing in on something and going for it. My dog and I stood/sat still for like 30 seconds once the other dog was gone, and my dog shook it off and we had a nice walk after that. I shook it off too 😂 literally.

And writing this post was the first thing on my mind 😂😂😂

I told my bf “all that scrolling was worth it.”

ETA: I’m normally very anxious about the smallest thing. I think it’s so interesting that in the face of actual risk/danger, I had a calm response. But in the face of imagined danger that I make up in my head, I could spiral in fear for an hour.
@pixeloriousspriteson Congrats on your big win! I hope your pup got some extra scritches and treats for being so good!

My dog also likes to "shake it off" after she's had a stressful encounter. So now in addition to, "big stretch" and "good yawn" I find myself frequently saying " good shake" 🤣
And she will almost do it on command now so I guess that's cool 😅
@swordsinging It totally is! It's honestly my favorite fun fact to say to people 😂
I get a lot of comments when people hear me praising her for a shake, so I love to say well actually, that's a way for stressed out dogs to release stress and relax so I'm just reinforcing her being able to self soothe 😅
@pixeloriousspriteson That’s great! All of your preparation paid off!

Coincidentally, I had almost the exact same experience yesterday. I’ve had my reactive rescue for a year and a half and have not had him near another dog yet. We had two off leash dogs run up to us in what I thought was an empty area. Like you, I had rehearsed the scenario countless times in my head. I just felt everything slow down. I slowed my movements, my breath, and just kept giving treats to my dog as the three of them circled each other and sniffed. As the other owner approached, I said calmly, “please get your dogs, mine’s not friendly!” I somehow managed to keep it together as the other owner said “ neither is mine!” Finally she called them off. In a daze, I realized my dog was just fine as he sniffed around for more treats on the ground. The interaction was definitely tense, but there was no scuffle and my guy just seemed to trust that I had it in control.

Here’s to keeping your cool in a frightening situation! You handled it well!
@urbanp SO many dog aggressive dogs being let off-lead around where I live. We’ve had 6-8 charge incidents and some snapping/scratching but fortunately it hasn’t ever escalated from there (I did get injured once but it was being pulled/dragged down trying to keep the attacking dog separated.)

I hate it, I basically suit up for walks like I’m going to battle because even though it’s usually fine every few weeks or so some jackass has an out of control aggressive dog off lead. Or in one dude’s case he lets the dog out in the AM like a cat. Not even there to yell at.
@katharina800 This made me laugh, because I guess I suit up for battle, too!

First I make sure I’ve got my phone and pepper spray. Then I open the front door and scan for people, dogs, cats and raccoons. If it’s all clear, the walk begins!
@paraskeve I’m not rich but there’s been a ladder of escalation each time we have had an incident…

My treat bag always has tons of extra high value treats in it to throw at a charging dog, so to be fair, my ideal situation is divert and run.

That doesn’t work, umbrella.

That doesn’t work, pet corrector/citronella spray/air horn.

Slip lead.

Bite stick.

Friday last week we weren’t even 300 feet away from home and some neighbour had an aggressive dog off lead charge at us up the street and snarling/snapping/scratching my dog, he was super bewildered and I kept running at it screaming to drive it away and it ran in front of a car, the owners scooped it up and did a 180 (I didn’t go after them because Jake’s stranger reactive). I got a body camera after that one because if their dog had been hit by the car coming up I’m willing to bet they’d have come after me like I killed their dog.

So yeah it basically feels like suiting up for battle just so he can go sniff some dandelions and pee.
@katharina800 I had a friend whose dog was attacked and required veterinary care afterwards. He carried a cattle prod after that. Of course it never happened again. But he was prepared.
@jcphan47 Unfortunately it seems like we can’t go about two months or more without incident. When I have a car I’m going to take him further out, rent fields, dog sports.

We haven’t had anything requiring vet trips yet but two occasions that was sheer luck. An unsupervised GSD kept coming back for him and I couldn’t drive it off on my own (obviously, where I got the dog deterrents) and a fellow dog walker heard me screaming and the dogs and helped me chase the GSD away.

The other time was actually a brown bench lab. Jake was a pup and the dog was scaring him so I picked him up but the dog kept following us. Attacked another guy’s dog as we were walking past (I kept trying to warn the guy he might want to pick his dog up, but he was either unable to hear me or ignoring me).

That one had been loose too but I don’t know that it was the neighbour’s fault - there had been gale force winds the night before so it could have been their gate or fence had been knocked over and they didn’t know.
@katharina800 That must be so upsetting and frustrating. I have been fortunate that I have never had something like this happen, especially as I have tiny dogs (8 pounds and under) and they would be a snack to larger dogs and most likely dead.
@paraskeve I saw a tip to always carry a spare slip lead in your pocket.

You can attempt to leash the other dog if you channel your inner cowboy.

Think it was Southend Dog Training on Insta
@katharina800 My 4 month old pup is scared to walk around the block because someone’s large Dane had to be off leash and came charging onto a public path seeing my puppy.
I can’t be mad at my puppy for not wanting to go on walks anymore.

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