It’s me, the perfectly behaved dog at the bar patio

@mauricio512 I took my leash reactive doggo to a nearby brewery last night. I almost left her at home bc I was so nervous that it might be too crowded for her to have a successful evening. I did spill some beer on her head (and my purse) first thing, but then she just laid down and chilled out. Caught the occasional treat. Got in a sniff or two. The brewery staff came by to adore her. Gave her a brewery merch bandana. She even saw 2 other dogs across the place and was a perfect angel. It was a really good day and I was such a proud mama.
@mauricio512 This! My dane is super well-behaved at the bar and in public for the most part with the right conditions. She can sit under the table or under my feet, no issue. But god forbid, we see a smaller dog barking. She loses it.
@mauricio512 My dog loves people, she’s a lab mix we’ve had her since she was roughly 6 months old. Her best friend was a bulldog, coincidentally that’s who found her when she was dumped as an 8 week old puppy. She absolutely loved other dogs and did really well socializing with them. Until….11 years ago she was attacked by a pit bull who tried to kill her. She was on leash in our yard and this dog was unleashed and came after her. Since then she’s VERY dog selective/reactive. She still loved playing and chasing her bulldog buddy until we moved (she’s since passed on). But any dog that resembles a pit bull or is bigger than her she immediately freaks out. Small dogs she wants to chase and harm. There’s only a handful she can be friends with. She loves people though and everyone loves her that meets her. She’ll be 12 in September and she’s getting grumpy in her old age but we wouldn’t trade her for anything.
@mauricio512 I work at a doggie daycare. Dogs who play well on the playground might growl and snap at each other when they come in at the same time and encounter each other on leash. Just like people, circumstances are super important!
@mauricio512 I don’t know how many times friends and random people meet my chihuahua and exclaim „omg he is so quiet!!!“ (He is, doesn’t make a sound even at the doorbell.)

….I tell them just to wait for another dog to appear. 😅
@mauricio512 And if you see a dog reacting they are not like this the whole time. You just see a very small glimpse of the day of someone else. But people assume very fast that your whole day/life is like that small glimpse.

My dog is dog reactive and we are on vacation right now and he does amazing so many good dog encounters with less space than usual without a reaction and dog beach with other dogs at sight and I’m super proud of him. But today after we visited a market (he was muzzled there) and a street up to the beach with many shops. he was overwhelmed at the end and reacted to two dogs. You could see the people being a bit scared (black dog, 40 kg/~88lbs) and being judgy. When he doesn’t react they see him as a „normal“ dog and if he reacts he is a „bad dog“ but they don’t see all what’s in between and what’s happening in other situations. Mine can be left home alone without a problem and is very nice to humans and especially kids but has a problem with dogs around him. You might see him when walking your dog and think he is like that the whole day but that’s not true.

My parents in law really think he can’t be reactive and I exaggerate because he is so nice with humans and can calmly interact with their dog (they got to know each other through a fence and mine couldn’t see my parents in law as dogs with people is worse than only dogs and he knows that there is a fence in between and is less reactive than). So I’m just overprotective when creating more space to other dogs and that I’m to strict with him (when he is better behaved than their dog even if they had her for 3 years and I had mine for 3 months).

Just because a dog is good in some situations he can still be reactive and when he is reactive he can still be good in other situations. We all (and especially ignorant people) need more understanding and talking about problems/asking questions than being judgy.
@maizeemay People forget that dogs can have good and bad days, just like people. My parents are the same way and tell me that In over exaggerating and their reactivity is all made up and that they would be happier treated as “normal” dogs.

I’m glad that he’s having a good vacation. That’s the best feeling
@mauricio512 That’s so true, but at the same time they won’t try a reactive situation themselves just in case that you are right about it. When we passed another dog with my parents in law once suko only whined a bit and walked faster (wich is very good for him) and my father in law said that the whining is annoying if it’s with every dog like that. I don’t really care what they say and I’m still proud of suko. But it still hurts.

Thank you, I hope we can take some of it with us when we go home next week.
@mauricio512 thanks for posting this. i see dogs walking nicely all over our neighborhood, sitting calmly with their owners on patios, etc. and i definitely get the "that'll never be us" spiral. reminds me to focus on what he's good at so thank you.
@mauricio512 I really enjoy this post. I feel like a lot of people need to see it and understand that just like people , dogs react differently in different settings. Also, the owner of the dog always knows best. Don't question.
@mauricio512 I really needed this today, thank you for sharing! I often remind my husband that every dog, reactive or not, has their thing. My pup is absolutely horrible on a leash and makes a scene in our lobby everyday pulling to get back inside until she’s wheezing. We get awful looks and comments all the time and all I can think is ‘i wish you knew the snuggly happy girl we know’

On the flip side, she took a nap at the behaviorists office, who said she basically had never seen a dog relax so fast there.

Really appreciate you sharing - im often so jealous of seemingly well behaved pups in public.
@tass My dads dog gets along with every human and dog. He’s a complete marshmallow. You could dog nap gun and he would acclimate to your family and pets

But i bet anything that your dog has better recall. Because this dog has zero recall and if he gets any opportunity he will escape the house, run off, get covered in burrs, and kill a bunch of wildlife.

But other than that, he is outwardly the perfect dog
@mauricio512 thank you for sharing!! I always appreciate hearing each dog's strengths and... unique areas for growth :)

Give your dad's pup a belly rub for me.
@mauricio512 This is a single case study. No part of this experience can be generalized to another owner or dog. Taking this at face value, it is good to hear of their success. Never forget that a reactive dog is a liability risk that you must constantly manage.

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