Is this normal storm anxiety?


New member
My 7 month old puppy has been acting really strangely since storms started about 6 hours ago. She acted normal all day. Did not get into anything that I am aware of. Some thunder / hail storms started while I was cooking dinner and she started hanging out right at my feet. I figured it was just some storm anxiety, but then she started running into objects/the wall, drooling and panting. Her heart is beating like crazy. She is jumping at tiny sounds. She is wobbly on her feet, shivering/trembling… She also has not gone to the bathroom since this all started, even though I have taken her out (when the storm was over). I’m starting to get super worried because the storms only lasted 1-2 hours and it has now been 6 hours with her acting like this. No signs of improvement with her behavior.
@tomwedding Was this her first storm? Right now your pup could be in one of their fear stages where they can get scared by anything. A reaxtion that bad though you might need to talk to your vet. I wouldn't call her reaction normal, especially after hours and shes still like that. Poor thing, i hope she feels better soon!
@christianguy19 Thanks for the response. I ended up taking her to the emergency vet and they believe she ingested some ivermectin. My husband gave it to our horse around noon yesterday. Our puppy was inside with me but I let her out about 30 mins - 1 hour later. The vet said horses will shake their head and leave drops of it for about 30 mins. I had no idea it could hurt her or else I would have been much more careful. 😭 She stayed the night at the hospital last night and is improving, but not out of the woods. She can’t see (which is why she was running into things), which the vet says means she got at least 5MG, but he doesn’t think she got much more because she hasn’t had seizures. I’m so shocked that such a tiny amount could wreak havoc on her body like this!! I’m so upset with myself and my husband is just heartbroken and blaming himself. 😭 We we’re told her prognosis is “guarded” 🥺
@tomwedding Oh gosh im so sorry to hear that! I can only imagine the scare you're going through. Hopefully your story will bring awareness to this cause i had no idea! She'll be in my thoughts, and I wish you all the luck in the world for a quick recovery!

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