Overtired v. Couped up v. Normal puppy behavior

@wyattwrd I just thought mine was being a jerk NC qe play and walk and all that good stuff all day but when I sit down to watch my show around 7-8 she loses her mind and NEEDS to play. It's funny and ridiculous.
@inhim4ever Mine does this too. I think they just want us to pay attention to them. But pup has to learn to entertain themselves without you sometimes. We usually redirect her to a chew toy when she starts acting like this. I also think it’s gotta do with being tired — as it usually occurs during the witching hour. After a bit of play, she eventually will fall asleep in one of our laps.
@wyattwrd Our puppy is almost 6 months and in the last month or so he has magically has stopped biting, stealing our shoes, and getting crazy from 7-9PM daily. He's also much better with leash walking, still not the best.

We left him for almost 2 weeks with our parents when we went on vacation, not sure if that helped, but they have no experience with dogs and neither do we.

Hang in there!

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