Is there a such a thing as a "sometimes' reactive dog?


New member
TL:DR at end.

Hello. My 1.5 yr old neutered 55 lbs. male Husky ("H") is high energy, well socialized, not reactive. He seems to know what do with almost any dog, from tiny Lapsa puppies to huge Newfies, from timid shy dogs to aggressive, leash lungers.

Since he was a few months old we have frequently gone to a local conservation area with trails, fields, forest, swamp, etc.
He has been off and on leash. Last year we started walking with some other dogs on a regular basis, and he regularly played with a female fixed pitbull mix 65 lbs ("P"). I think this experience really helped him socialize.

P and H have had many walks together, P has been in our yard at home. They play rough with lots of teeth and fur tugging and leg chewing, any squeeks and the other stops. Never any injuries.

In short a good canine relationship.

So, this morning H and I were finishing up our morning 4 mile bikejoring ride (H has a pulling harness and is pulling me on my bike - great fun! r/Bikejoring) as we were nearing the parking lot we were going about 6 mph on a wide, flat gravel path. Up ahead a person and offleash dog (D), (~45 lbs, lean brown mutt like) were coming our way. Even from a good distance I could see D hesitating and looking skittsih.

I always slow down around other dogs and often have to stop, depending. H does a great job following my "On by!" command which means to ignore everything and go straight ahead. So when I see the other dog is leashed or the owenr has control we might keep running past.

In this case we slowed down and D looked terrified. Bikes, especially large, loud mountain bike tires can be loud and scary to anyone. So I stopped and lay the bike down and squatted next to the bike. H was at the end of the tow line, about 6 feet. D and person walked closer, dogs met, people talked, no drama.

H and I continued on to the parking area, just before the gate we see P, H's buddy coming. P comes through the gate, I let H off the line, H and P go running off, chasing each other.

P's person and I walk back up the path talking (at an appropriate social distance). H and P running around off leash, all good.

Quick description of how P and H sometimes play. When P chases H, P will grab a back leg for the take down, then grab the neck ruff or the harness, wrestling ensues. H is faster, P quickly falls behind. P will then watch H, crouch down and prepare to pounce. H, knowing the game, will come running by and P will rocket out, and the chase continues.

A short distance up the path, at a cross path, D and person come walking towards us on their way back to the parking area. H has run off to the giant mud puddle hunting frogs.

People pleasentries start, P's person, a very nice, conscientious guy, is watching P. D is looking timid and skittish, shying away. P goes into her crouch and then charges. Growling, yelping and dashing dogs. P's person yells, grabs P. D races off, I backstop P's person to keep P from persuing D.

For 20 minutes all three of us were looking for D, till D's person gets a call. D was found, someone drove D back to the conservation area and reunited them.

I had both H and P on leashes for a bit, P seemed to be mellow and calm.

P's person felt terrible. For 2 years they have been walking off leash at this area and now P doesnt want to go. This was the second incident, the first that I observed.

D was absolutely not aggresive, but the opposite. Giving off nervous scared vibes that even I picked up on.

So, does P's aggressive reaction to a nervous, timid dog make her a "reactive" dog? Can this kind of behavior develop where it hadn't otherwise ever happened? Should I be concerned with P playing rough with H? Could she suddenly go from "play" biting to "kill" biting?

Thanks to everyone here for sharing your stories and struggles.

TL:DR - My dog's dog-friend reacted aggressively to a nervous/timid dog. Should I be concerned when they play rough?
@light3 In my opinion, D's owner should avoid situations in which his dog is obviously very uncertain. P's owner should remember p's over enthusiastic reaction to very uncertain dogs and avoid meeting very uncertain dogs off leash. Besides this, i wouldnt be to worried, these things happen sometimes

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