Is it bad etiquette to hang out at a dog park without a dog?


New member
So I had a a dog for 7 years but when I moved out of my moms house my dog stayed with my mom and brothers. I miss hanging out with dogs so I was wondering if it would be a bad idea to go to a dog park without a dog. I wouldn’t bother any of the dogs unless they came up to me and wanted to be pet, but I don’t know if that’s frowned upon. Lmk what y’all think thank u :)
@mb_c There are also many rescues currently in need of both short-term temporary fosters as well as longer term ones (if your landlord agrees), or help with transporting dogs from overcrowded shelters to potential adopters (if you enjoy driving).
@mb_c I did that when I moved to a new town and couldn’t have a dog. I went to the local animal shelter on weekends and took the dogs for walks. They loved the attention and as a dog person it filled a hole in my life. Highly recommend this!
@mb_c I’m the UK we have things like Borrow My Dog, websites where you can sign up to help people walk their dogs if they’re unable to (ill health, at work and can’t do day time walks etc), maybe worth checking out? I’m sure you must have similar things where you are!
@abigal54321 Aw, thats nice. I occasionally use Rover when I'm traveling or don't want to crate my dog for a long time, and the dog sitters and walkers usually don't have their own dog and they make money taking care of other people's dogs. I learned that it costs to initially get set up as a walker/sitter, and Rover also takes a percentage, but people are making between 25-80$ a day watching people's puppies.
@brknbutrfly35 Yeah my dog goes out with a Walker during the day when I’m at work, same dude for years and same little gang of dogs. My dog has a better social life than I do! But it’s cool, I know he’s having a good time and safe when I’m out working. I often think about jacking in the day job and doing the dog walking gig! I work with people all day and frankly I prefer animals to people..!🤣
@mb_c I've seen people come to the fence and watch for long periods of time while talking and smiling and laughing and saying hi to the pups as they run by. They don't latch on to one specific dog and they don't bother the owners. It's evident that it makes them happy to watch the animals play despite not having a dog of their own. I don't think that's creepy, I think it's rather wholesome.

If anyone asks, tell them the truth: you miss your dog and being there relaxes you and makes you happy. =]
@juanquin Yup there's a couple people who used to be regulars at the park and came without their dog once they passed for some time. I don't find it strange at all.
@lil_worried I don't let my dog play with strange kids just cause of liability, he's a big guy and although he's great with kids (I've got a toddler and newborn and he's around kids of my friends) I won't trust it. If I have to go to the dog park with my son he is only allowed to play with our dog and he knows this.
@stanley_4 Oh for sure. We were on the small dog side and my dog was all over the kid. I had to get him away. The kid was having fun and my puppy just navigates to anybody or dog that will play with him. I didn't realize they didn't have a dog until they were leaving. We don't go often due to so many variables at dog park and he loses all his good behaviors there.
@mb_c There are ways you can and it’s weird and ways you can do it in a not weird way. It can be fine as long as you don’t piss off the dog owners or dogs imo
@mb_c Our communities closest dog park happens to be located near senior housing, so it’s not uncommon for a couple of the residents to come out and mill around near the dog park, pet the dogs and socialize. As long as your pockets aren’t full of meat, you should be fine.