Is anyone else’s dog extremely leash reactive but, super great off leash with no aggression??

@ranran19 My pup is exactly like you described. He’s a German shepherd, boxer, mastiff mix and so leash reactive but the biggest sweetie at any other time. He just acts down right beside himself until he gets to say hi or play with another dog if we meet them on leash. It makes walking him difficult and embarrassing at times. I’m happy I stumbled upon this post. Has anything helped you lately?
@truthandhope The whole comment by @searchin44 had some awesome resources!

Just generally working on redirection with high value treats and learning about keeping them under threshold and scouting out walking areas that won’t back us into a corner have been awesome. I just got back from a vacation at a dog friendly hotel and he’s made major improvement and we were able to walk around and hang out with dogs almost constantly in sight with no major meltdowns. As long as we can keep other dogs further than around 50ft away he’s all good except for a few wines.

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