I'm so happy I delayed my puppies neutering!

Plus if that did happen I would take full responsibility, pay for the care that the female would need, and care for the puppies as if it was my dog that gave birth to them.
@rohsalkeiv According to my vet it does depending on the expected size of the dog at adult age and the research that I did probably for way too long. Everyone should have all the information on both the positives and negatives on when to fix or to not fix at all to make an informed decision.
@rohsalkeiv My concern was actually the opposite. According to what ive read is that it could cause enlongated bones. When I was doing research my puppy had deer legs and was all awkward so I was concerned about that
@lightlovehope I think there is pros and cons to both. I adopted a dog that the rescue would not let leave without being spayed, she grew healthy and normal. I rescued a bulldog from someone too cheap to neuter him, at a year old he had a prolapsed urethra which may have been prevented.
@rohsalkeiv Well actually from the first link that I clicked on for prolapse urethra, it may of been prevented from neutering, but it is also common for brachycephalic breeds possibly due to intra-abdominal pressure. Which I'm sure you googled it but I just had to share because I've never heard of a prolapsed urethra! Very interesting! And sad I hope your bud is okay!
@lightlovehope The day he came home he was humping everything voraciously and blood was pouring.. I've never heard of it or seen it before.. but neutering him would have helped I'm sure......and I've also seen males that go through horrific pain and swelling being neutered later.....females I don't worry about as much but wouldn't want an accidental litter either
@rohsalkeiv This isn’t true…it 100% impacts growth.

Preventing a dog from fully developing (whether you deem it beneficial or not) has an impact.

If u removed the testicles from a child to prevent them from going through puberty they might be easier to handle but they will never be the same as a man that went through puberty no matter what you do
@imagebeastmarkbeast They actually did that to preserve a high singing voice centuries ago. Look up the 'castrati'.

"Castration before puberty (or in its early stages) prevents a biological male's larynx from being transformed by the normal physiological events of puberty. As a result, the vocal range of prepubescence (shared by both sexes) is largely retained, and the voice develops into adulthood in a unique way. Prepubescent castration for this purpose diminished greatly in the late 18th century.

As the castrato's body grew, his lack of testosterone meant that his epiphyses (bone-joints) did not harden in the normal manner. Thus the limbs of the castrati often grew unusually long, as did their ribs."

@jongault Yea I’ve heard of this, imagine ruining a child’s development so they can hit higher singing notes…absolutely inhumane.

There is also rumours this happened to Michael Jackson which resulted in his long arms high voice and clear psychological issues…

Just a rumour as far as I know.
@lightlovehope My rescue pup was neutered shortly after we got him because of the rescue's rules. I wish we could have waited. He's 80 lbs now and has grown 22ish lbs since neutered so it would've done him good to have those hormones.

That was back mid-august when he would've been around 6.5-8 months. Funny enough, it wasn't until the beginning of december he started barking on the odd occasion at various noises in our apartment and about 3 weeks ago he started marking on walks. He used to crouch low to the ground like spider man and was a one-and-done kinda guy but now he always lifts his leg and makes sure everyone can smell him at the different places we go.
@lightlovehope My puppy had her first heat at 6 months (which by reading this thread is early??) the first day I picked her up to take home. Baptism by fire! The first few weeks were incredibly difficult for her and me! I spayed her at 8 months. Walks were so stressful! She’ll be around 14/15kg full grown I think.