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I promise you it gets better. One day you think “oh, I’ve nailed that bit of training” and then the next they are twice as bad but I find with so many of the issues I face that time truly is the greatest resource. Our dog, day by day, is working WITH US rather than against us and we are starting to win battle by battle.

At 7/8/9 months I used to daily wake up with knots in my stomach thinking “ok I need to take her out to the toilet, what if x,y.z happens”. But I promise you it just gets better. The things you worry about soon become something you laugh about.

Don’t get me wrong, our dogs still a little shit at times and has 1 or 2 things I would rather she didn’t but ultimately if I look how far she has come, those things are nothing.

I promise, it gets better! Stick in there, you’re doing so much better than you think.
@miu4miu Pup just hit 6 months and is starting to show signs of the adolescent wildness. Thanks for this post, will make me feel less crappy when it gets worst. Put in a lot of work with her since I’ve had her but it’s like a switch just flipped. Can’t wait till the 1 year mark
@homebass Yes! We had an awful 7 8 9 months. We went back to treating her like a 10 week old. Enforced crate naps, failed potty?- inside immediately and try again in 15minutes, treats to potty, not saying hi to people on walks bc she started pulling again, blocked off the couch with the play pen, etc. We realized we were giving her too much freedom too fast. We're a year and a month and back to afternoon closed crate naps 🤷🏻‍♀️
@miu4miu Was experiencing puppy blues with my 10 week old golden puppy. Charlie won’t stop barking at night and spreads shit inside his crate. However within 2 weeks I got him crate trained and he already knows how to sit, down, stay, get inside the crate, and paw with my command. So proud of him and he’s a really smart boy! It does get better!
@sbr68 How did you get him to stop pooping and barking in the crate? My 10 week old pup barks incessantly until it's time for her next potty break and she barley gets any sleep :( and neither do I
@juli123 I also got Charlie when he was 10 weeks old. Constant barking and poops / urine inside his crate. It was so bad I regretted having him.

I just took him out every 20 minutes to potty and constantly played with him until he got tired right before my bed time. I kept doing that for a week and he adjusted to my schedule. He then started holding his pee/poop inside his crate at the 2 week mark of having him and have him potty right away every morning. There's little accidents here and there inside the house but definitely has been better compared to the first day I got him.
@miu4miu Every time I get overwhelmed by our 3 month old, I just look at our 4 year old as a kind of reminder of what she's going to be.
@miu4miu I'm going through this real bad with my 8-month old GSD mix. He's not even all that bad, but I second guess myself constantly. Is he overtired or does he need to get more energy out? Am I walking him too much or not enough? Is he actually listening to me or just going through motions to get treats? I've even started to wonder if he's even happy with me or if I can meet his energy needs, and I just feel constantly depressed and anxious now.

I try to remember that even now he's so much better than he used to be, but it's so hard sometimes.
@max2800 I am feeling the same way. The anxiety and blues are paralyzing. I am normally an upbeat positive person but can't seem to shake this. We just reached the one-month mark of being a family with our 4-month-old GSD. I go from feeling super encouraged to so very sad and ashamed that I am screwing him up or not doing enough/doing too much, or just a horrible dog mom - this is our 4th GSD, and I don't remember puppy blues but maybe being older this time around... idk...I so appreciate this post.

I got a fur baby cause my ex took ours (sorta. Long story) and without any help (not a single pup sitter or someone to vent to cause it was begging pandemic and i was in a new city) and i love my baby now but IT WAS TOOOO DIFFICULT.

Have people in your community willing to help you or have enough money that you can get them the best puppy sitter ever. DONT GET A PUPPY ALONE. And if you have a partner be POSITIVE that partner is willing to go half half with you.
@miu4miu The amount of times makes me want to rip my hair out. I'm on Day 10 Post-Spay, and I'm not sure if it's her hyperness, boredom, or adolescence kicking in, but it's getting there.
@lernestof This isn’t the same and I do have dogs, but the only time I’ve ever felt stressed having my cats was after they were fixed. Trying to keep them calm, safe, from messing with their incisions while being able to eat and drink with the cone. Two weeks of hell x 5. I was a zombie.