If someone says u can’t pet their dog YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF AND DONT OET THEIR DOG

@ilmc Lol a half hour ago i had a kid literally SCREAM “DOGIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” at my anxious reactive dog who is scared of kids. Have had to step in front of people to stop them from petting her before. Shes not human aggressive but i dont like people petting her when we’re focusing on training because it distracts her.
@trustmaster Yea kids with parents who a) don’t get it b) don’t care c) don’t see it happening in time or d) decide they and their kid can do and have whatever they want are the worst bc u don’t wanna shove some random little kid but what else u gonna do
@ilmc She is SO CUTE.

You could always put a vest or bandana on your dog that says "ignore me". I have that for my dog when I bring her on planes. She's fine around people if they ignore her, but the second someone tries to pet her she becomes reactive. Thankfully she "just" barks, snarls and lunges - she hasn't attempted to actually bite anyone. But anyway, just a though to protect yourself. The people are insanely rude and irresponsible, but in the end it will be your dog's fault if she attacks, no matter what.

Some options if you want: https://www.etsy.com/listing/236086371/vest-select-your-size-stop-do-not?ref=shop_home_active_2 (I have a variation of this one for my dog)


@wistfulangel Yes I am fully aware of the risk of not having that and I really do wish that I did but my mother says it’s “a waste of money” and “not worth it” so I’m working on saving my own money (which isn’t much bc I don’t have a job or anything) to buy it myself
@ilmc I don’t think it’s a waste of money at all. It’s a lot of responsibility controlling a reactive dog in public and having a “do not pet” sign on your dog should make your training a little easier.
@stanleyinoh That’s what I’ve said but my mom isn’t hearing it so I figure I have a birthday coming up soon enough I’m a) adding it to the list and b) I get ninety anyway it’s only like 35 bucks I should probably be able to swing it
@ilmc Keep up the good work with your pup! Training is no joke and super important. I’m very impressed. My son is almost 13 and he very rarely wants to walk our dogs so the fact that you have this dog and handling the training on your own is awesome!
@stanleyinoh I genuinely really enjoy it tbh. River (and all her flaws) are my dog and I actually how to pursue a career w dogs (training or something) in the future so I have been trying all kinds of methods and new tricks and stuff and I have a good time of it.
@texasgungal Also side note is the 2112 in yur username bc u a Rush fan or just by chance bc if yur a Rush fan I just gained some huge respect for u me and my dad are too
@texasgungal Sick! U don’t meet many do u😂 my dads email legit has 2112 in it. If u click on the insta link the only picture w me in it I’m wearing a 2112 t shirt😂
@ilmc I also live in coastal Maine and have a reactive dog, although mine is reactive to other dogs. I completely agree with you. People don’t listen if you say not to approach your dog. My boy has come a long way recently, but I find off leash dogs never listen to their owners command to come or stop. Or I get the “oh it’s ok my dogs friendly” response and they continue to let their dog run full speed ahead towards mine. We only go to places with leash laws due to his reactivity.

It sounds like you’re doing an amazing job with your pup. Keep up the good work!

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