If someone says u can’t pet their dog YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF AND DONT OET THEIR DOG

@ilmc Makes me happy I live in UT. If my dogs leashed or in my yard and you or your dog run up to him, despite me warning you he may bite, I’m not responsible for your injury (provided it’s a bite and not a mauling, of course) and my dog won’t be put down as I was in control of my dog, and you broke the barrier I put up.
@curlycurl Yea I get that and had a neighbor for a while that kept coming in my yard and trying to pet/grab at her and almost got bit a few times but if I’m on a walk w her and some little kid comes up without much warning or respect there’s a whole world of legal action that can be taken if my dog bites someone who fully blames me for that. It’s sad and horrible but true.
@ilmc Good for you for advocating for your dog and enforcing boundaries! I feel it’s really unfair anyone would counter you after you first tell them no, because of your age. I know for myself growing up, it was hard not to just go with the flow if an adult was telling or asking me something. It’s just really out of line that they would continue to push.
@ilmc I just wanna start off by saying, River is darling and looks like such a sweet girl 💖 I can't believe you're only 13! You're more articulate than me at 22 lol....

I had one encounter once with an entitled person. At starbucks they give you a 'puppychino' it's basically a cup of whip cream, full of dairy and sugar which are 2 things a dog isn't supposed to have. So I was visiting inside with my coworkers and one barista comes to feed it to her and I tell her no, my dog has been sick recently and she doesn't need that, she'll get sick again. So she tries to give it to her and I pull my dog away, and at that point we had never given her people food and didn't intend to so I was fuming. She said oh ive raised dogs all my life I know whats ok to give them! Really made my angry lol, people have terrible listening skills. It's like they think omg dog! Let me just treat it like my own toy cause it's cute! But she's had seizures before so we limit the kinds of things she eats to just dog safe food.
@boxnes Yea I’ve given Rive one of those before but she also doesn’t have any standing health problems it’s one thing if the handler orders it it’s another entirely if u as the handler says no and the person continues insisting that it’s fine bc it’s not your dog u don’t decide what’s fine for my dog
@ilmc I’m impressed you are only 13! But I completely understand. I have 2 reactive dogs and I am constantly telling people that my dogs are afraid of people so it’s best not to come close. Or I say if you get too close they will bark at you. I do not live in a touristy area so I have the advantage of going to places to keep my distance but it’s hard. I think you can get something to put on the dogs harness that says Do Not Pet. Or In Training.
@stanleyinoh I know it’s been a while since u said this but I decided to go ahead and order the DO NOT PET harness just to see how things would go/if a difference would be made. I was honestly a bit skeptical ppl would pay attention bc I have little to no hope for the human race w the kind of ppl I mentioned in the actual post. Regardless I am so so so glad I did bc even the pushy ppl at the very least when I now tell them she can be aggressive and to back off the harness really hits it home. It’s bright red for one, and two they actually seem to notice her growling if they’re already alert for et bc of of the harness. I was able to take her into Home Depot, tractor supply, and Lowe’s all without incident bc nobody approached her and she could just focus on me!! Thank u for the suggestion I am glad I listened!!
@ilmc Wow that’s great! I’m happy to hear it and it’s very impressive you were able to take your dog into all those stores. I need to listen to my own advice and order one of those for my dog!
@stanleyinoh It made more of a difference than I ever thought it would!! To clarify River could go in for short bursts before but too many ppl would try and approach her so we would have to leave almost immediately, and it had been 6+ months since we had last gone in!
@ilmc I agree. Someone snuck up behind my boyfriend and our dog years ago at a disc golf course to pet him behind his back, and he proceeded to chomp the guys hand. Ugh. Thankfully the guy realized it was his fault but I wish it had never happened.
@ilmc I have this same issue. Despite a collar and leash that say DO NOT PET in giant letters people still reach their hands toward her face.

I get “oh, all dogs love me!” Or “she’s sooooo beautiful!” Or the worst, about a screechy toddler: “It’s ok, she loves doggies!”

The only thing I have found that works is a bright red muzzle. (She is a black dog so it really pops.) People steer clear.

Which really makes no sense! If she is wearing a muzzle she can’t bite. It seems to work though as a visual signal for keeping people and their grabby kids away.
@crutchfield23 Yea something obvious like that that is a very very clear message of this dog is aggressive and yet some ppl still try and pet the dog it’s dumbfounding

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