If someone says u can’t pet their dog YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF AND DONT OET THEIR DOG


New member
Edit: yes I see the typo in the title not much to do about that now

I got my dog River from a shelter where all we know is at abt 2 weeks old she was abused and abandoned by some arsehole and now is reactive to new ppl. While she likes me, my grandparents (especially my grandmother who is a no nonsense kind of dog person and I have never seen a dog dislike her even the very aggressive ones) and my mom jut fine, anyone beyond that is a potential problem.

The biggest problem i run into is that I live in Maine right on the coast and everything so we have a very big tourist season all right in our area. River is a very distinct looking dog that has had that “puppy look” even at a year and a half old ( if u wanna see what she looks like no pressure I just like to link it in case ppl are curious https://instagram.com/rivers_a_doggo?igshid=1gz0l8p0gjn76) and ppl always ask to pet her and want to talk to me abt her breed, age, etc.

I usually will just say sry she’s a rescue we’re still working w her and in theory that should be the end of that. while a good portion of ppl are understanding and move on, I have had a lot of entitled parents w small children saying shite like “oh my child won’t pull her tail or anything it’s fine” then put the kid down to come over and try and pet her anyway. At that point I say she’s aggressive I don’t want your child or u to get bit and if they keep coming towards her she has the Rhodesian ridgeback feature where her whole spine of fur raises up plus her ears go back and she growls a little.

The only time someone has kept coming after that she snarled a little and clacked her teeth a bit and the mom backed right off pulling her kid with her while glaring at me as if it’s my fault she decided it was ok to pet my dog after I said she was aggressive.

I just gotta say I hate entitled ppl that insist they or their kid won’t cause a problem w my dog bc it’s not their god damned call to make. Another thing to note is I’m a 13 yr old girl, I’m 5’4” and I only weigh ~100 lbs and while River is my dog, I intend to have a career w dogs/dog training something along those lines and have put a lot of time into learning different methods/tactics and as a result I have done all the training and rehabilitation I know how to deal w her and I am the only one she really truly trusts/listens to, ppl seem to assume oh that fairly small kid is the one walking her she can’t be that bad and I just gotta say that’s utter bullshit if the owner of a dog says no back off u fecking do it no exceptions there’s probably a reason they don’t want u there even if it’s as simple as working on training and even if there’s not an obvious reason it’s just not your call to make if it’s not your god damned dog.

I say this here bc I trust everyone here will get it and I just needed to say that so if u got this far hope u agree
@ilmc I’m super impressed by your maturity, and I have to imagine that a 13 year old walking a dog does make it look like a friendlier dog. I’m also blown away by an adult telling YOU that their dog can pet your dog. Also, unless a kid has a cool unicorn bike helmet (real example) I don’t usually start a conversation with a child or teenager that I don’t know. Anyways... we don’t deal with this, because Goose is really friendly with people, the seriously the audacity of some people blows my mind. They’re making a dangerous decision.
@jamaicanrose Srsly I just hope some kid doesn’t come up and catch us by surprise and get hurt although I will say River seems to have some understanding that little kids don’t mean any harm as I have never seen her try to nip a little kid, even my little cousin who was grabbing her nose ears tail etc. who she had never met before
@jamaicanrose I really couldn’t tell u she came from Mississippi up to Maine to keep her and her litter out of a kill shelter after being taken from an abuse/abandonment/neglect situation. I’ve been told a whole range of guesses but I can give a quick list of not guarantees but fairly reasonable guesses:
  • shiba
  • GSD
  • dutchie
  • Formosan mountain dog
  • mountain cur
  • cattle dog or something like it
  • pittie maybe but I dunno
  • Rhodesian ridgeback
  • border collie or some herding dog based off both looks and behavior
    srsly no clue what else beyond that and all of that is just a guess anyway. I would LOVE to DNA test her and I will someday but my mom says I have to pay for it if I want to do that so it could be a while. Does goose have an insta or anything like that? Would love to see what he(she?) looks like
@jamaicanrose Same! I know they say you can ask about undetermined breeds but it seems weird they don’t tell you all that much in the first place (in some cases at least).
@ilmc She looks so much like Goose. He has no Rhodie blood, but his hackles still stand up like no other, but I think he has more pitbull. He has a more square head. I sent you his embark results on Instagram.
@ilmc hey just a heads up, all dogs get that back ridge when threatened!! it's called their "hackles", and when a dog has their hackles raised it's usually bad business! just a cool dog body language fact
@sogon Yea I know but it’s a characteristic of the Rhodesian’s for it to be up and down at just about anything. I wasn’t sure at first but I’ve been told so many times that it might be her by other ppl that I just kinda go w it😂
@ilmc That’s pretty irresponsible of the parents to let their kids try and pet your dog after you have told them no. I suspect this is half down to lack of awareness of reactive dogs and half down to entitlement where people seem to think animals are for their entertainment.

I usually just say “no, she’s not friendly” and most people leave us alone. Although I live in a quieter area and try to avoid busy places so I don’t get asked often.

If someone ignored me and tried to pet her I would probably just turn around and walk in the opposite direction.
@christianqa Again I live in a busier area with a lot more tourists a good portion of the year, and I have been in situations where they have approached the car, backed me into something of a corner, or I have to wait for traffic to back away. I fully understand the point of walking away I just wish ppl would understand it’s for their own safety not just bc I feel like being a bitch to them and their kid before the dog has to growl at them
@ilmc Entitled parents SUCK. I’m only 15 and about 108lbs, 5’6”. My dog is over 82lbs and he’s reactive/aggressive to new people especially kids and men. I don’t know how many times I’ve told people “sorry he doesn’t like kids” AND THEY JUST SAY ITS FINE OR IGNORE ME. then their child keeps coming and Alucard (my dog) gets spooked and barks (a very deep rumbly loud bark) and the kid starts crying and the parent looks at me or blames me. I literally said no and you ignored me. Or when people ignore your warnings and just say their dog is friendly. Maybe mine isn’t. Maybe I just don’t want you near me.

It’s not that I can’t hold my dog or anything it’s that he’s learning and I don’t wanna back set his progress OR have him hurt your kid just because you didn’t listen when I warned you. Im also pretty good with dogs so it’s cool to see someone around my age with the same problem and experience :)
@ak77 It’s infuriating when ppl look at me and figure just bc I’m a skinny 13 yr old girl the dog can’t be aggressive or anything bc then a kid wouldn’t be able to handle walking it! If I tell u and your kid to back off bc my dogs aggressive that’s the only reason I want u to be back off not bc your kid will “hurt or bother” my dog but bc it’s not safe for your or your kid to come near my reactive dog. Also I fully agree w your point on the training set back they don’t realize the damage they can cause to the work I’ve put in just by taking those few more steps up to try and pet my dog.
@ilmc EXACTLY. I used to have a German Shepard. His face was all black and he was from a police and military breeding place but wasn’t aggressive enough. He was good but if anyone approached me he would lunge and bark. Again with the “Oh. If the dogs really a problem this small girl wouldn’t be walking him”. It’s so infuriating. Also when you say you’re good with dogs. I honestly am and I’m sure you are like you said but people see you’re young and a girl and small and thing it’s bullshit and that you know nothing. It’s sooooo annoying and I can’t stand it. Yes I’m young and a small girl. Yes my dog is still aggressive and you should listen to me when I warn you. I’m a small young girl, that means nothing.
@ak77 At that point it’s dangerous for them not to listen whether they know it or not and if they keep coming closer and I’m not somewhere I can turn around and walk away then they are going to have to realize that my dog can be aggressive and WILL lunge at your ankles and hands and nip at you if only to get u to back off
@ilmc Dude! Even non reactive dogs! You don’t know what’s going on, maybe the dog is in training or gets excited and the person has a medical problem like arthritis and can get hurt if the dog jumps forward to pet your kid or dog! It’s just safer for all involved if you ask while there’s still space and respect if the person says no.

Edit: typo
@curlycurl Yea no matter what if someone says no don’t pet my dog just say ok and walk away don’t push in anyway the result could be a whole list of terrible things and it would probably be your fault for apparently needing to pet someone’s dog that badly

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