I won't be here to protect my sweet boy - PLEASE read

@mnewyork Hi Cat, Your post really moved me. About a decade ago we adopted a GSD who had been severely neglected and nursed him back to health. We had 4.5 wonderful years with him before we lost him to pneumonia (third recurrence in 9 months). His name was Buster, but we called him Bug, as in Buster Doodlebug. Like your Bug, he was big and strong and loved tennis balls (and Wubba toys).

If you do not find another option for your boy, my husband and I will offer to care for him for the remainder of his days. We live in Northern California, both work from home, and have a fully fenced yard. He would want for absolutely nothing. We do have two resident dogs, both male and both dog-friendly. One is a 13 year old GSD and the other is a 10 year old pit mix. Pictures of our current boys attached. I would happily provide both personal and vet references so you can confirm that we are dedicated pet owners. We don't have children and our pets are treated as full, valued members of our family.

Please feel free to reach out to me directly here via chat if you would like to discuss this in further detail.

@mnewyork This is my worst nightmare. I have family and friends that have agreed to take my dogs in the case something happens to me. Even in the short term if I’m hospitalized. I am going to reach out to you directly and discuss some options. You and this beautiful boy shouldn’t have to worry about this aspect of what you’re going through.
@mnewyork I am so sorry that you are in this awful situation. I hope you find someone to welcome this sweet boy. I wish I could take him, but I have two GSDs and the male would not tolerate another male in the house.

I hope you have longer than the doctors say, but if he does outlive you, please consider this: I know it sounds morbid, please forgive me if it hurts, but can you arrange to have him view your body after you pass? That way, he will understand you're gone and not think that you abandoned him. Sorry again if this is offensive.

Sending love and peace to you and your best friend.
@mnewyork I'm on the wrong continent but just wanted to let you know we feel for you too. Wishing you the best of luck in finding the right person for your best friend in the time you have...
@mnewyork While I don’t have recommendations or resources for you, I know other people here will. I’m really just here to say that no one here will think you’re nuts. If anything, everyone here will wish you well and have the utmost respect for how you’re going about things. ❤️🙏🏼
@mnewyork I haven’t gone through all the comments and I’m sorry for your diagnosis. Cancer sucks. Lost my mom to it and my german shepherd in the same week last year. Mom said, “go get things ready for me sarge” the day he passed, and she followed him less than a week later. You have friends and support for your baby here in Knoxville TN if needed. Have a huge network of dog friends that can help.
@mnewyork Hi Cat-

I’m in tears at your post- but really because of the paragraph describing your darling Bug.

You know and love him so so very well. I would hope somebody might write a paragraph about me like that someday.

All will be okay. You will find the home for him, and he will see you again, and he will tell you in very clear terms what you have meant to him, including in this effort to find a happy place for him to be without you.

That may be the single most generous and couragous thing anybody can do for any of us- seek the best places for us to be when we cannot be there.
@mnewyork My heart breaks for both of you. I have a 6-year-old GSD male and he was NOT friendly with our female golden so we kept him separate from her until she passed. It’s weird though, he pals around with other shepherds and particularly loves the Belgian malinois across the street 🤷🏻‍♀️

My prayers are that you are healthier than you have been told and that the two of you remain together for as long as possible, hopefully years.

Once you have designated someone please make sure that your estate inheritor understands your wishes. I’ve seen instances where a family member for instance wants an animal but the person in charge relinquishes the animal for some reason. ❤️🙏
@mnewyork I’m Canadian and live in a small apartment that doesn’t allow pets, but please know you and your sweet boy are in my thoughts. That dog has clearly known so much love all his life and he will never forget that.

Try reaching out to a cancer charity. They may have some kind of resources for this.
@mnewyork I’m so sorry for your diagnosis and even more sorry that you are fretting over Deuce’s future.

It sounds like you have lots of options when it comes to people willing to take Deuce in. If they all fall through please reach out to me. I Have owned GSD for over 40 years. Fostered a rotating pack for about 5 years before finally having kids. Recently lost our GSD Otto in November to kidney disease related to Ehrlichiosis he got while he was a stray before he came to us.

I wholeheartedly agree that if possible it would be best for Deuce to stay with you and see you crossover. Not just for him but also for you.

Much love to you and deuce.
@mnewyork Your worst nightmare is how we got our baby, he had an older human that babied him till he passed. And the people that got him didn't really treat him good and then gave him to the shelter, we got him and for the past year he has been one of the best dogs we have ever had.

There are good families for your baby, find your baby a new home while you can please. If we didn't already have Toby we would take you up on it to make sure they had a good home.


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