I won't be here to protect my sweet boy - PLEASE read

@mnewyork I’m so incredibly sorry to read this. No one on this sub would think you’re crazy for worrying about this. This is my greatest fear with our pup.

Did you get him from a breeder? If so, many breeders will take their dogs back when the owner can no longer care for him.

I wish I could take him, but our pup is firmly a solo dog. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers that a good home shows up for him.
@mnewyork Living in Washington State, I can’t help with a home, but, I’m sorry for you both!
Keeping you both in my invocations, and I’m wishing Deuce a wonderful forever home! I would add that you could try your local newspaper, or even a local tv channel.
@mnewyork Wish I could help, South Texas but I have 3 sheps and 2 other dogs and cats and chickens. Basically over capacity, I hope he goes to. Good family but I'm sorry he will lose you. Spend all the time you got with them, hopefully the new family will take him after he's been able to say goodbye.