I won't be here to protect my sweet boy - PLEASE read

@mnewyork You are absolutely obsessed but I don’t see that as a bad thing (I used to own GSD’s and now own two akitas, and have been obsessed with every single one of them).
So sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but it’s amazing that your main concern seems to be mainly your 4 legged friend and securing his future. I hope you have a much longer time than maybe you’re thinking and that you and Deuce can see out life together.

Seems already there are a few good people on here willing to take care of him should the worst happen which is great.
@mnewyork I am a Canadian and would love to adopt your boy if it’s not too trouble for you. We have a nine year old male shepherd (he is just as sweet as how you describe Deuce). Please let me know how I could help. I am also praying for a miracle for you and your sweet boy!
@mnewyork My current female is from an acquaintance who passed away from cancer. She was 4 when I took her in. She adores me now because I gave her a home I guess. She has pretty bad anxiety when I leave the house though because I beleive she thinks I'm not coming back like her previous companion. She is 6 now and loves me to death as I do her. German shepherds love their people very much. When you are gone he will obviously miss you but he will still have a reserve for the next person who helps him finish his journey. My previous shepherd was 9 and came from the same situation. He lived us dearly for the 2 years we had him.
@mnewyork Cancer is a horrendous disease and my heart breaks for you, I hope you find the perfect home for him. I would gladly take him but the no cats part wouldn't work. We seem to be the local dumping grounds for cats and have 4 in house and more ferals outside.
@mnewyork We had a friend who was diagnosed with terminal cancer and was only given months to live; he ended up living 3 years and some months after he was given his diagnosis! The doctors don't know everything.

I can't imaging how gut wrenching this is for you. But I wish for at the very least through the power of Reddit you can find someone near by that you could introduce Deuce to break him in gently, yet keep him in your life and by your side until your time comes (if it comes before his).
@mnewyork I'm so very sorry for what you're going through. I'm in another country entirely and not in a position to help but just couldn't scroll past without saying I wish you and your lovely boy the very best of luck. I hope you find someone who will love him like he deserves. God bless you x
@mnewyork If you were closer to OR I would take him. We are currently looking at getting another one or two Shepherds after urs have passed in the lasy year. So sorry you have to go through this and I hope you find him a wonderful home that will love him like you have.
@mnewyork OP, what a wonderful person you are to be making sure your boy will be okay and thinking of him at this time.

In addition to the other suggestions, call your vet’s office to see if they can help with rehoming. They know which of their clients are good pet owners and also usually know of clients who may have lost their dog recently.

Bless you.
@mnewyork I’m so sorry you’re going through this difficult time. You and your puppers will be in my thoughts. 💚 I wish we could help, but sending you both our aloha from afar. 🌺
@mnewyork I can only imagine the stress you’re under. I’m sorry!

My beloved Rommel was nearly 14 when he passed just over a year ago. He was a 100 pound male, so just a bit smaller than your Deuce. I miss his snorky little snores at night.

When I raised Rommel we had a fenced yard and my kids were still young. Since then I’ve been divorced and a house fire displaced my sons and I and Rommel.

After renting for several years I finally bought a new house last year. My new house has plenty of room but I don’t have a fence. The last several years without a fence were fine for Rommel and I because I walked him and he was out of his puppy stage of needing to run a lot.

Two of my grown sons currently live with me. It’s the three of us. I’m home most days. They keep telling me to get another dog.

I’m in Indiana which seems so far away from you but you can message me if you think I’m the right person. My only hesitation is I just don’t know how I would get to you to meet Deuce to find out how we like one another.
@mnewyork I lost my 14 year old big boi just a month ago. It sounds like I had the same situation as you have had regarding your relationship with Deuce. It was just the two of us for his whole time here on earth and not a single day goes by that i don't think of him or see something that brings up a memory of him. His name was Chesty and he passed a week before his 14th birthday. He was a month in to his physical therapy after under going stem cell therapy for his hind legs. I would've done anything for him and you can rest peacefully knowing I would give Deuce the same love and attention I'm sure he deserves. Nothing could ever compare to the bond the two of you have built and strengthened over the years but I would be honored and privileged to adopt such a beautiful big boi you have raised yourself. I currently reside in central Minnesota and would be willing to drive almost anywhere. I am sorry for the long post and wish you both the best of luck going forward.
I'm sorry I didn't return to reply yesterday as I promised. I just woke up from yesterday. I've been on the edge of a nervous breakdown from stress and worry for my boy. Last night was the first time I've slept more than a few hours at a time since the diagnosis. thanks to everyone here who has reached out - so much kindness and support and knowing i'm not alone in this took so much weight off my shoulders and restores my faith in humanity. and that allowed me to finally get a decent sleep and reset.

just off 3 hour call with social security - or what i now refer to as bureaucracy blitz. they were actually very pleasant but holy cow - 3 hours.

i'm going to respond to everyone as quickly as possible but it may take a few days to get to everyone.

again thank you so much. and a beautiful day to every one!

actually i had started writing the above comment when i woke this morning and social security interrupted and ive been on phone since then. see - bureaucracy blitz. lol