I think I’m gonna quit or get fired

@kate22 Do not be. Shit happens, besides, you were sick. You cant be 100% when you are sick.

Ive seen and heard worse

One time i accidentally took a too short blade on a part of a dog when i started. My coworkers told me once she did A 40 down the back by accident!

Some are mistakes, some are just not paying attention.

Its still fresh for you but I think with time you wont even care anymore about that day
@kate22 Ive messed up so many times in my 11 year career lol it’s totally normal! If clients are angry or mean about a mistake, I’d love to see how ✨perfect✨ they are. My tattoo artist messed up on me!!! Her arm kind of spasmed as she was leaning in and the needle slipped near my ditch and we both just looked at each other in shock. 6 tiny dots in a line haha we call them our happy accident. And that is PERMANENT. Hair grows back. You’re totally fine OP. :) all you can do is laugh and move on.
@kate22 I got my dog mixed up with a show dog of the same breed one time and ended up shaving down the show dog! And sent the dog home with the wrong owner even! They are still good customers... So don't worry about it. And they two customers are now good friends.
@kate22 I took the guide OFF the clippers without putting another back on before a sani once and seriously nipped the dude's poor little back end up 😭. I felt AWFUL. I still feel awful actually.
@kate22 I worked sick earlier this year and I ended up using the wrong blade on two dogs in one day and kind of botched the cuts. A year or so ago I was distracted and shaved right through the skirt on a schnauzer. We're human, it happens! Take care of yourself and feel better.