I think I’m gonna quit or get fired

@kate22 I worked this whole week with the flu and my grooms have been substantially slower and worse lol. If our employers are happy for us to work while ill instead of resting at home, then they have no right to complain about any errors we make while being dead on our feet. I hate workplace culture so much. I gave myself serotonin syndrome with cold medicine this week because I knew how much my boss would complain behind my back if I called in.
@kate22 You're so sweet, thank you. I'm just waiting for my friends to establish a bit more business at their new shop and then I'm jumping ship!
@mccra76 Yes please do ! My boss was kind enough to reach out and told me not to lose sleep over the doodle because the pet parents was actually concerned about me falling ill at work 😭
@mccra76 So sorry you're dealing with that way of thinking. I deal with the same in my salon. It's just plain stupid in my opinion to be at work when you're sick especially in that environment. Hope you're feeling better!!
@kate22 One time I misread notes on a dog because the previous person who groomed the dog had very, very sloppy handwriting. I thought #0 a/o was #10 and they asked for the same thing as last time...nearly fainted once I realized.

They laughed, and even asked for a short cut again the next time.
@kate22 If everyone was fired or forced to resign after goofing up a groom there wouldn’t be any groomers left. A messed up haircut doesn’t hurt the dog and will absolutely grow back so it is nothing to panic about. At the shop I work at odds are we’d have the dog come back in for a touch up and just make sure you’re feeling okay when you got back because you needing to be hospitalized matters a hell of a lot more than a missed sani or going a couple notches shorter by accident.
@kate22 I’m not sick but my dog is sick so I’m worried sick and I did the a 7 on a schnauzer that doesn’t get the normal schnauzer cut. So I feel you.
@ulrichgood At this point I feel terrible because my coworker was the one that had to deal with it at the end because I ended up having to go to the hospital. My brain just went on autopilot thinking of the wrong doodle ( they look the same ) and yeah… worried about seeing my boss on Tuesday because this is the second mistake I’ve made this week and then having to go to the hospital on top of it all
@ulrichgood Just got discharged ! I wouldn’t say overreacting but definitely have anxiety about this. I forgot to do the entire sanitary on a puppy the other day so that was a bad conversation
@kate22 I hope you don’t tell yourself that this means you aren’t meant for this job. Or that you have to quit. No one was hurt and, although it might be slightly inconvenient to bring the puppy back, at least no one is hurt. These are harmless mistakes in my opinion. Hair grows back.