I think I’m gonna quit or get fired


New member
I just half way shaved down a dog with a 7 rather than the 1/2” she gets 🙃. On top of this I forgot to do a sani on a dog the other day. I woke up sick shouldn’t have came in 😭 Waiting to hear from my boss what to do… Note: your brain doesn’t work when you’re sick. Update: ended up fainting at work and had to go to the hospital
@kate22 I've done worse, don't worry.

I wasn't paying attention and forgot to put a clip comb on my 30 and put it straight down the back of a 1" poodle.. I called the owner crying. He was super nice,but I gave him that groom free, and the next 3 discounted until his coat grew in properly.

I put a 10 down a 1/2" leg. I switched to the 10 to do the sani and majorly messed up. I wanted to cry. I don't use 10s anymore. I use my mini clippers.

A couple weeks ago, I misread the board and did a 5/8 in a 5. My bosses told the owner the dog was matted.. and the owner was like "that makes sense. It's been a bit longer than usual since he was in."

These are over the course of 6 years. But still.
@natalia2019 Omg I did the same thing with a 5/8’s I misread and did a 5 instead luckily the pet parent was actually pretty happy saying it looked clean for summer
@kate22 I hate the pressure that is on workers to try and work through being sick. It’s awful. Your personal health should come first. I run my own business now and if I need a sick day I can just reschedule everyone to one of my normal days off. The clients are always understanding. It was always corporate management that made us feel that way.

I have had so many bad experiences with coworkers trying to come work when they have a fever. They always think they’ll be fine, not considering the physical strain of the job. I always ended up being the one to have to redo their dogs when the clients came back and complained. They always left unfinished dogs that I had to add to my schedule, and then we had to deal with calling whoever hadn’t come in yet after they finally decided they had to go home. The last time it happened, a groomer claimed to have the flu but was going to work through it, I complained to the store manager that he needed to send the groomer home and he called me a baby, fake coughed in my face, and said maybe I should be the one to go home if I’m afraid of working with her. Asshole. Guess who had to finish her dogs and reschedule half her day, and regroom her first dog 😤 three months later we were in lockdown for Covid

I’ve never seen anyone get fired over one bad day. Unless you’re making mistakes like that habitually, one sick day isn’t going to get you fired. At least it shouldn’t.
@jmcd I ended up getting dizzy and fell in the Beth room so my fiancé took me to the hospital. Now I just feel more like shit because my poor coworker has to deal with that doodle that I butchered and the 3 dogs that showed up for me. I’m hoping she was able to reschedule the afternoons with no problem.
@kate22 It seems like a rite of passage for groomers lol - trying to work through it and realizing you can’t. I used to try to be sympathetic but by the sixth time it happened to me I hit my breaking point on it 😝
@jhonny7 Thank you for sharing this ! We are all human and it’s crazy to think we wouldn’t ever make mistakes. After today I think I learned to not go to work sick. Pretty sure I fainted as a mix of anxiety and purely not feeling well
@kate22 I was finishing an English cocker and went to blend his lines with a 1 comb guard and forgot I had just done his pads with a 30 and put the 30 down his shoulder... I don't do 11+ dogs a day anymore. It's too exhausting and mistakes happen.
@simon_peter Mistakes do happen. I’m happy I made this post to see how normal it is. So next time I make a mistake I won’t stress too much about it. I lowkey think I fainted at work due to my anxiety and just mixed with not feeling good
@kate22 It's okay to feel bad. And some owners are going to be mean no matter what you do to fix the issue. I give a small break on the groom and go on about the rest as normal. I've absolutely had those moments where my anxiety needs to be let out so I go in the back and have a mini meltdown so I can go back to working on a solution and continue my day.
@kate22 I’ve put a 30 wide on the back of a dogs neck. I cried. Owner laughed. We slapped a bandana on it and called it a day.

These things happen. You’re only human. It’s okay.
@kate22 For sure don’t jump to quitting though, especially seeing everyone else’s oopsies, lol. Hopefully owners don’t come down too hard on you, nor your boss.
@kate22 I tried to work the day after getting 6 fillings, and unbeknownst to me, when you get 9 lidocaine shots it will really mess you up. apparently one of my dogs that day came back to my coworker a few days later with a bunch of uneven spots and no sani done 😭 the worst part is that i couldn’t even tell you what color the dog was i genuinely don’t remember.
@kate22 I once had two yorkies (same family), one was growing out and the other was a 7, guess which one I did the 7 on 🥲 realized halfway and tried to blend the back into the rest. Think I was almost crying, luckily it hadn’t grown out too much yet and owners were chill.
@hekimmy8 Idk how they’re going to react. Or what my boss will say when I go back to work. I ended up leaving for the day due to being sick. I feel bad because my coworker is going to have to deal with that. My mistake but I’m not the one fully dealing with it.