I don’t know how to tell people [kindly] not to touch or command my dog at the park


New member
I don’t know about y’all, but I’m a relaxed dog owner at the park. Rough housing, small barks, biting, mounting etc. - are all things I allow.

I don’t let my pups get TOO rough. Ever. My dogs have never had serious issues with anyone or any dog.

That being said, I’ve noticed certain people will command my dog to dismount, physically push them off, and grab there harnesses ( not around the neck) .

Now, I will say that I have grabbed dogs In a near fight mode where most of the people come to break it up. I’m not asking for advice about that, I’m looking for the right way to say “don’t touch my fuggin dogs, don’t command them”

Edit: Y’all need to do basic searching on the web about dogs mounting and BASIC dog behavior. I’m sorry I asked for help with humans grabbing my dog for being a dog. Y’all the type to dictate all behavior and won’t let them have fun and rough house like dogs do. If anyone has an actual educated stance I would love to hear it.

Edit 2: https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/dog-care/common-dog-behavior-issues/mounting-and-masturbation#:~:text=Sexual%20behaviors%2C%20including%20mounting%20and,in%20the%20context%20of%20play.





Fuck all you people. Seriously. This is absurd that this many people told me it’s so bad.
@aba1612 This post seems exceptionally out of touch… you don’t get to “allow” your dogs to bite, mount, and roughhouse with someone else’s dog and then get upset when they don’t “allow” the same.
@melvee I allow my dogs to be dogs and play. That means they will run, bite(nibble and play bites), mount and bark and blah blah blah.

I’m issue is when people lay hands on my animals and enforce their training on them. If they have an issue, hey should talk to me. Fair?

Now, I’m not saying that there are t times that the rough housing got too far, in which case I’ve stopped it.
@aba1612 In your own home, it's fine. Like if you had 2 dogs, that were accustomed to the others antics, fights might be minimal. But in a dog park, where each dog is trained differently, and has accepted certain boundaries, owners should try for the most polite play possible to avoid dog fights .
@mister_kisses I agree that each dogs training varies. But like humans, there is a common standard that goes along with being social.

Avoiding fights is something we can agree on, it’s just never at that point. The dogs are simply on top of each other in a dog pile.
@aba1612 The humans are pulling the dogs off to avoid a very possible fight.

Normally, if dogs snap at eachother it's fine.

But dog parks are NOT normal situations. There's more distractions and commotion . Simple misunderstandings can lead to all out drag out fights .

So to avoid this we stop the behavior before it begins.

Now once again, if it was in your backyard , which is more controlled , the dogs most likely won't get in a fight .

It's also why toys are NOT allowed in parks . Dogs may get over excited and this can lead to a fight.

Dog fights wouldn't be so bad, but they have teeth and those tend to get involved.
@aba1612 The last few parks I've been to toys weren't allowed.

And yes, 90 % of the issues stem from bad training. That's 100%correct. And that's also why I now avoid suburban dog parks
@aba1612 So if your dog is violating my dog’s boundaries, what do you expect me to do? Just sit there and watch my dog suffer? By the time I find who the owner of this dog is, and then have an entire conversation with you, then damage has been done. If I have 10 seconds to ensure my dog’s boundaries are respected from your dog, I’m not running around the dog park looking for who the owner is — I’m stepping in immediately.
@aba1612 The other dogs might be over threshhold, anxious, etc. they might correct in a way that triggers your dog to fight. Continue your Google search, proper play is turn taking. He submits sometimes and he is the one doing sometimes. There are lots of breaks. There is a good reading of the cues (looking away, displacement sniffing) of the other dog and giving space.

For someone who claims to be some sort of expert you really don’t seem to be able to read dog body language.

You should find a group of other rough playing dogs who don’t mind rude behaviors
@alexrcraig I’m no where near an expert. But know one has shown me anything other than” I have dogs and I think it’s inappropriate “

I read the cues, I watch them play and it’s always playful.
@aba1612 You should not be allowed to take a dog that behaves like that to a dog park.

I know you didn’t ask, but you need to hear it: You are the a$$hole in this case.

Just stay out of the dog park if you can’t control your dog.
@aba1612 Frankly, it's dog owners like you that make dog parks unpleasant for other dogs. The other dogs there just want to play and yours just humps and bites.

There's going to be a day where your dog mounts the wrong dog and has to go to the vet. Stop letting your dog be rude.
@aba1612 Why can’t you read the room: the other owners are seeing that the play has crossed the line FOR THEIR OWN DOGS. You aren’t doing anything so they must. Do you lack perspective taking?

If you INSIST on doing nothing, let them know beforehand that you let your dog go full ham and if it bothers them to let you know and you will stop it.

What breed is you dog? Different breeds have different styles which when unmatched can lead to bad outcomes (ie generally boxers box, bully breeds body slam, GSPs run and herd….some are more energetic etc). Don’t let a google search make you think you are an expert
@alexrcraig It’s not Google. I’ve read books, spoke professional trainers, vets etc.
no one person has told me why mounting is bad(aside from non spayed/neutered animals)

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