I absolutely cannot wait until may


New member
May is when my contract is up and I just cannot wait until then. I’m this close to breaking it and just paying off what I owe for school (which is only a grand) because these freakin old ass people in the villages don’t understand what it is to groom a dog.

I groomed a dog on the 28th. Dad told me not to do a sanitary trim so I didn’t. Usually we use a 10 in that area, shave the butt, private parts, little on the insides of the legs and the tummy and that’s a sani. I shaved the dog with a 7 and did the legs and everything of course like I’m supposed to with a full service hair cut.

Dad calls back not 2 hours after they picked up the dog saying, you gave her a sanitary I told you not to. When I didn’t shave the tummy or the anus and I just trimmed around the inside of the legs. I think that fuckin counts. And I very politely and nicely explain that there’s definitely a difference between what I did and what I’d normally do for a sani trim.

Calls back today and says “you didn’t do the nails.” I explain that we can only take so much off before it makes them bleed and the dremel isn’t included because that’s an upgrade and they didn’t pay for that so I could only take a little bit off.

Mom and dad are on the end of the phone and dad was originally speaking to me but mom grabs the phone from him and says “they look like when we dropped her off.” And I tried to explain again that I reamember cutting them but I could only take so much off and I go to tell her I can redo them if she’d like me to and she just said forget it and hung up on me.

I fucking hate it here
@kaychelxav I hate to break it to you but those assholes are everywhere. Hopefully you'll find a nice little place that allows you the freedom to tell these kind of people to get bent.
@jkohlmeier I know they are but the people around here are all retired and for some reason think that being 60+ years old means you get a “be a douchebag for free” card lmao. I was just pissed and needed to vent cause I’ve been getting shit from these guys for literally 5 days
@kaychelxav If you're on a PetSmart contract it's bullshit anyways. Nobody I know has ever had to pay a thing for quitting. Ask around here. Just go if you want lol..say you're moving or something.
@kaychelxav Also look into your states rights. Worked for Petsmart and quit to work a mile down the road. I was out of my contract but they have a no compete. I would’ve had to drive 45 minutes to work 10 miles away from my store! Fuck that, and I shared a car with my partner. They didn’t do shit. Those contracts don’t hold up in my state. I’ve also known several people to leave Petsmart before their contracts. Nothing.
@kaychelxav When doing a shave down do you shave against the grain?

I find many owners are surprised by the length of the nail after a shave because they don't see the overall length of the nail when the hair is covering it. Even if you cut it back a lot, the hair shaved away from the nail makes them appear a lot longer.

You can make them look less shocking by leaving hair to cover the nail bed on the feet. If the nails are big enough to do with clippers, the alternative cut line can also make the nails appear shorter.

That being said, you can't please everyone and it probably would have been something else instead even if they weren't obsessing over the feet.
@someguy1234 Not unless I’m doing clean feet on a poodle and this was a Carin terrier mutt who I shaved down With the grain. I get what you’re saying tho. Those nail beds be longggg
@kaychelxav I love grooming dogs... Its the people. And i think its why so many groomers are burnt out... Its the god damn people!

Had to call a lady who booked online on me today saying I couldnt do her dog cause we have a note saying got is aggressive and should be booked under salon lead... Apparently "no one ever told her" yeah... My ass

The people coming in our lobby when the dog is on the table and talk, call the dog, or just plain scream

People who are upset to US when THEY are late, forget their paperwork, or just plain say the groom looks like crap when tell them its gonna be shaved cause its matted

And so much more
So so sooooo much more
@besorlah I had a doodle about two weeks ago named Charlie. Sweetest dog ever. 8 months old never been groomed and got fixed four weeks prior. Came in completely matted. Had to shave the poor girl down with a 7 and that was BARELY making it through. Mom really went “I didn’t recognize her, are you sure that’s my dog? I don’t want to take her” with a look of horror on her face and it took all of me not to just flick her off and keep the damn dog. Like did you brush it with a spoon, come on.

And the ppl that are like “oh well I brushed it what do you mean it’s matted” when all they do is surface brushing with some $2 slicker brush they found in the discounts section at Walmart and get pissed because my gray hound comb can’t fuckin get through it.
@kaychelxav “I dont want to take her” god, it would have been hard for me not to grab her… poor baby
Yeah. I have to remind me that I do it for the dogs, but can’t stand the owners attitude. Completely not educated on how to take care of them and complain.
Heck, remind me we had a complain today, mom said it was too short and apparently even said TO THE DOG she was sorry (that she looked bad) hell, dog probably feels better now, got shaved cause she was matted, she didn’t come in like 6 months!!!
@besorlah Haha I had a dog no-show their 10:30 appointment yesterday. I called them at 10:50 and left a voicemail. The dad called back at 4 to reschedule and my coworker said she could hear the wife in the background asking snottily why they couldn't still come in now. The audacity.
@secundus Someone came in yesterday for their appointment, the dog name was joejoe and i immediately remembered him (he kept booking under me and few other groomers online and no call no show multiple times in a row, like few days in a row) and my salon lead dicided to fire him, cant book online anymore.
I told him he didnt have an appointment, turned out now he is going to petco (across the street), he was at the wrong location. And he had the audacity to ask if we had any openings. Like... Noooooo