I’ve got the blue BAD!


New member
Hey everyone,

Got me a psychotic 9 week old golden male. On day 3 of owning him. Also got a 4 year old Bichon that isn’t too happy.

I have 3 kids, a wife, 4 cats, 3 live outside, and now 2 dogs.

I feel like I’m doing everything right and I know it will get better. But damn, it’s hard.

Just wanted to come here and talk I guess.

@trevorodhiambo The fact that you listed your wife in there made me laugh hahah!

You got this. Puppies are evil! We love them, but they are evil. Anything in particular stressing you out with this one?
@avi8856455 Lol thanks.

I think it’s the other dog. She’s not really accepting him. We are doing the keep them at a distance and let them smell their toys and take them on walks together on separate sides of the road.

Also the potty training. Sweet Jesus.
@trevorodhiambo It took my older dog 4 months to kind of start to accept the puppy. I think the puppy was just way too chaotic at first and my older dog seemed to think “that’s not a dog- that’s a tornado with teeth and I want nothing to do with it.”

I just managed their interactions and took the puppy with me around the house or crated her when I left the room. Puppy was also crated anytime I left the house. Older dog has finally started showing genuine excitement with the puppy and even played with her a little. I think the puppy just had to calm down a smidge for it to happen. Give it time- it’s a big change for everyone and puppies are jerks.
@trevorodhiambo Lol I feel that. We got pittie pup about a year ago and our senior mutt was not having it. It's only Day 3 though. And the puppy is probably already close in size to the bichon given the breed difference so I dont blame your bichon. I don't really have any crazy advice other than words of encouragement. I just finished fostering two 6 week old puppies. We had them for about 2 months and I wanted to cry most days for the first 2 weeks lol. Then when they got adopted I bawled for days because I missed them.
@trevorodhiambo Going through the same thing with my older dog right now. It's been about a month so far and they're still only having controlled interactions with us. It's probably going to take months, but I'm ok with it taking however long it needs to in order to keep puppy safe and our older girl comfortable as well
@trevorodhiambo It's going to take a bit. A golden puppy is a lot for any dog or person. They also might never want to play that much together because of the size difference.

But keep doing what you're doing - make sure the bichon always has her space. If you're consistent about this, and all everything goes well, one day you'll walk in and just find them chilling together.
@trevorodhiambo I was just thinking today that I don’t know when or if I’ll ever do the puppy stage again because it’s so brutal. My Newfoundland pup is 1 now and it’s been such a rough 10 months with him - and that’s with stellar potty training and crate training. I also have a spouse, kids, and cats. I have to remind myself daily that the effort I’m putting in now will pay off tenfold in the form of a good doggo. Hang in there :)
@trevorodhiambo I feel you. I have a 9 week old puppy at the moment and I’m completely overwhelmed all the time. Our 12 yr old westie isn’t a fan so it’s the same trying to keep them at a civil distance
@trevorodhiambo Give it time. I have a 9 week and a 4 year old Aussie and a cat. My 4 year old Aussie wasn't a fan of her the first couple days and now they're best friends. My cat isn't really a fan either but tries keeping his distance lol
@trevorodhiambo I have a 19 week old Standard Poodle, a 13 year old Coonhound mix, and a 7 year old tabby cat. All indoors.

I can’t imagine how overwhelmed you and your wife must feel with kids in the mix as well! The fact that you feel this way shows how invested in your dog you are, so give yourself some credit.

The first week of having my puppy was the WORST!

I was constantly wondering if I had made a huge mistake. The second week was slightly better. Now I adore the puppy, our older dog has accepted him (still gets annoyed with his exuberance from time to time, don’t get me wrong), and potty training/training in general has gotten loads better.

To keep myself from losing it, especially in those first weeks, I just kept reminding to myself that the effort we put in this first year or two will make all the difference.

Try to find what breaks from the puppy you can- even if that means crating him/putting him in a room to have a moment. Your sanity is important too!

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