I’m rehoming my puppy, I can’t stop crying I am devastated


New member
After agonising over this for the past week I’ve made the decision to rehome my puppy. I have been through a lot of pain in my life and this is close to the top of the list, I never in my life thought I’d rehome a pet who I love but I’m in this situation and don’t know how to deal with the sadness and shame. Papers are signed and I’m waiting for him to be collected in the next few days.

My reasons for rehoming: I didn’t realise how incredibly difficult it is to cope with a puppy while alone and with health issues. My puppy is full of energy constantly, has separation anxiety and is extremely stubborn to train. He also has these weird aggressive phases which isn’t the usual puppy mouthing, he will actually bite so hard it bruises and draws blood and latch on in an aggressive manner. To complicate further I have senior cats who he is fixated on and aggressive towards, I always keep him on a leash around the cats and if I didn’t I honestly dread to think what would happen and all training I’ve done so far (no, leave it, etc) goes out the window when he sees the cat. He will lunge, snarl, bark and growl. It just isn’t fair on my cats and the stress is pushing me to breaking point. I could put my all into training him but one day while my back is turned a cat could run and trigger his prey instinct leading to tragedy.

I feel so upset, like the worst person and like I’m throwing in the towel too soon. The thought of him missing me is breaking my heart. I would really appreciate any kind words or advice on how to deal with this pain. Thank you

Update: my puppy has gone. I just spent the past 10 minutes sobbing on my kitchen floor. I hope this anguish will go away. My only comfort is that he is going to an amazing home. Thank you for all your responses, you have all helped me to not feel like a completely garbage human being. Thank you.
@unbakedpegga I reckon it’s best that way. Better to do it while he’s still young. He’ll settle in nicely with his new owner.

I got my pup at 4 months because the former owner couldn’t keep him. He adjusted well to me and his new life.

I respect the fact that you tried, realized you couldn’t do it and made the best call for your dog and cats according to your capabilities. You can’t ask anyone to do more than that.
@mrs41intx We got our pup at 8/9 months old. He had good training base was we found he was badly reactive in lead. We put a lot of time and training into him. People will this have your puppy, it’s the best thing for them!
@unbakedpegga I’m so sorry OP. You’re making the right decision for you and your cats. I know it’s a hard decision, but you know what’s best for you. With a puppy so young they will get used to a new home fast.
@unbakedpegga Once your life is back to normal and you and your cats feel relief, know you did the right thing for all involved. Enjoy your cats. Cats are amazing, and probably a far better Nd more appropriate pet for you than a dog. Now you know. And remember, nobody’s perfect. So don’t beat yourself up too much.
@unbakedpegga Don't feel bad, puppy hood is one of the toughest things I've ever been through (my girl is 18 months now). I would never have another puppy and to be honest I'll probably never have another pet. My partner feels the same way... It's super early days, you've done the right thing, don't feel bad... :)
@wondering098 It was mindblowing how HARD puppy good would be. Big Calendar led me to believe that puppies just slept all of the time in a big basket, and that couldn’t be further from the truth. My dog just turned 3 and I can’t imagine ever having a puppy again.
@unbakedpegga I got a return to breeder puppy!!!

I love the hell out of her but she is a menace… we adore her “badness”. At this moment we have pretty much unlimited resources to funnel toward her right now, we are in a very unique position. It’s better that way. In 6 months of having her we have easily dropped $5000 on a random infection, an injury, allergies… and that’s WITH pet insurance. We will also be looking at replacing our new couch when she is full grown.

Reputable breeders and rescues have a “home again” contract for a reason. Sometimes nothing can prepare you for a puppy, even previous puppies.
@cathya Reputable breeder is the key word here, a reputable breeder will ask you about your situation, and normally take 6 months to a year to get a dog, because they don't breed until the list is full. and they normally demand the puppy back if you ever have any problems.

i feel for OP, but i do also believe she is doing the right thing, OP, when you are in a better state health wise, and are ready to try again, look for a reputable breeder, a good one, there are a few lists online how to look for one, like breeding just one breed at max 2 and so much more, and look for breeds that are good with other animals, good luck OP and i feel for you.

i feel for OP, maybe after she is
@medkarn This! The breeder wouldn’t take the dog back on day 2. We had to coordinate with the new owner. We had to keep the dog 5 days. My husband got attached and I was ready for the puppy to go on day 2. This has affected our marriage. The breeder should have taken the pup back. Make sure always this is in the contract.
@unbakedpegga You're not the worst person ever, not at all. I live with a partner and it is still a crazy amount of work, even 6 months later. I would NEVER be able to do it alone. Dog ownership is really hard and nothing like cats. Enjoy your kitties, and puppy will be totally fine in a new home.
@unbakedpegga I respect the hell out of you for rationally looking at the situation and understanding that the puppy is too much for you to handle. Understand that that's OK! Puppies are hard! They require so much that I've heard they're harder than human babies. Do not feel bad at all. If you can, try to reframe it as instead of giving up, you're giving your pup an opportunity to better himself in an environment more suited to his needs. If anything, this is a loving, caring thing to do for ALL involved, including pup.

Best of luck to you and be sure to give him plenty of treats and pets before you part 😊
@unbakedpegga I’ve had 2 rehomes and thank goodness the original owner gave them up and they came into my life. You are doing the right thing. Yes it’s really hard to raise a pup.

I got 3 pups last year ( long story…) and I swear it aged me way too fast. I wanted another rehome but dh insisted on pups. Guess who does all the work? Stop being hard on yourself, pups are a LOT of work for at least 2-3 years. I’ll take an older dog any day.